Part 25-New visitors

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When I got back Peter Ask me "How did it go?!" I smile" Calm down Peter it was great." He smiled back "So that mean she Will go?" I nod and Peter spin me around I think that was the happiest memory since I came back."Boys! We can GO to CAMP!" He said as loud as he could.

*At camp*
"Wait! Y/n?" Peter calls."Yes Peter?" I ask. "Do you have any idea who used all food?" Wait! Didn't they take all of food to 'Cave'? I'm confused. "It wasn't here when I get here I was thinking that you took it to 'Cave'." I said. "I think we have new visitors" he said "No sh*t Sherlock!" I said angry like I don't know obvious. "Ok...ok I get it now let's go find them"

*After some time*
"Peter can't you use your powers!"I ask. "No Y/n I can't and we walk only 5 minutes and you Ask me already that like 50 times."He says anoyed."Fine if you won't use them I will" and I do."Well good luck with that."Peter says. After some time I could do spell that shows glowing string "Yes I did it!" I said. happily. "Finnaly it take you 30 minutes to do that simple spell." Peter says." Oh I'm sorry did you teach me how to use them? NO so stay quiet Peter or I would make Dreamshade grow in your room." I said.

It take us one hour but we got to so called 'invisitors camp'. Peter name it NOT ME. Why didn't I change it beacuse of two reasons:
#1 You somtimes have to let them have things or in this case name it
#2 He said I couldn't sleep anymore in his bed if I don't let him and he won't talk to me for one week CAN YOU BELIVE IT?!
Ok anyway...when we get there we were surrounded by some people...WAIT!


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