Part 16-Open fellings

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*Pan's Pov*
I get up and go to Felix who is sitting on the log."Felix you need to watch over camp while I'm gone" Felix just nods his head.And I leave.

Where could she be?She is nowhere at camp. And I don't sense her in the forest either. Ofc she has to be on the ground to sense her but last time I check she wasn't a bird.Or was she?

Wait the only place where you can't sense people HOUSE!

I quickly fly to my tree house where I hear somone crying. And that somone is
Y/N! She's saying something.

*Y/n's Pov*
I don't like to cry but I can't belive that for a minute I think somone will love me. And here I'm in a random tree house crying."why was I so stupid? Who would even Love me? NOBODY! I'm just weird. Why did I got so happy!?! UGH!!! I mean he has a...handsom face and his eyebrows...UGH! And he is the leader of camp or should I say the whole island. And his green eyes who make me blush every time I see them." I sight.

*Pan's Pov*
When I heard what she was saying I teleport behind her and ask"You l-l-love me?" She quickly turn around. "I-I-I...HOW LONG WHERE YOU LISTENING?!?!HOW much did you hear of THAT?!!" "I've been there longer then you think" i say. "Will you answer my question now" i say as I raise one of my eyebrows."Yes. Yes I-..."she start."I do too"I cut her off."Will you be my girlfriend Y/n?" I ask her. "Yes ofc"she says happy. "C'mon we have to tell the boys" i say grabing her in bridal style and fly us to camp.

When we get us to camp I set Y/n on the log."BOYS! I have to tell something." All lost boys gathered around me."As you all know Y/n I will start with that. Y/n was my sun and my moon. When I first saw her I already think of kissing her. Her   (Y/h/c)hair and (Y/e/c)eyes made me ask myself every bad decision I made. And today I finnaly tell her how I fell and she became my GIRLFRIEND!"As I say that all boys cheer and Y/n just blush.

Then I walk to her and set with her."KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS!!" All boys cheer so I kiss her. When we were done I smile at her.

*Y/n's Pov*
When we were done with kissing he smiled at me."I Love you" I say."I love you too" he says back.But then green magic begins to surround me. And my clothes change to a beautiful dress.
*This is your dress*

"Peter what happend?" I ask him looking at the beautiful green dress

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"Peter what happend?" I ask him looking at the beautiful green dress. Peter Just look at me with amazed Look.

"The prophecy... it came true."

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