Part 5- Secret

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*Pan's POV*
As I walk through the door, I'm stopped by a lost boy. His name is Alec and is best in healing especially with herbs."Peter the heroes have arrived" Alec said. Among the so-called 'heroes' is my nemesis Captain Hook."Why?" I asked."They know about Y/n." He says."So they want to play then let's play." I say with an evil smirk on my face.

When I got back to my Hunt Y/n was already peppering me with questions."Why am I here? What do you want from me? Did someone come to save me?I thought there were homeless children here?..." She asked.I answered her all the same and that is, I won't tell you."I know you're hiding something from me and I'll find out," she says. "We'll see," I tell her. "And I will find a way out of this island." I don't know why but this caught my attention. "Would you make a deal?"

*Y/n Pov*
"I know you're hiding something from me and I'll find out," I say. "We'll see," he tell me. "And I will find a way out of this island." I say. "Would you make a deal?" He asks. "What deal?" I ask. "If I make you love me, you'll stay here..." "That's all?" I cut him off. "No, if I make you love me and find out what I'm hiding from you, you can go," he says."And what if I don't find out the secret" "Then you stay here" he says. "Deal" I say."But I would add one more thing" "And what is that?" Peter asks. "I have to fall in love with you in 2 months. Deal?" "Deal." He says shaking his and my hands.

Then Peter leaves and doesn't come back until night and then...

The demon and impossible love  - Peter Pan ouatDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora