part 8-Welcome back to Neverland

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*Felix Pov*
When we get to the beach, Pan is already waiting for us. "Poor girl thought she could hide from me." Pan said."Should we take her to the cage Pan?I asked and surprisingly he said "We don't want her to run away again why don't we take her to the camp?"WHAT?! "Pan, but she can still run away, fa..." But then Pan interrupts me "Don't ask about my decisions, or you could end up worse than going to the cage." He said ANGRY."Sure".All I saw before Pan gave me a new task was Y/n being carried to camp.

*Peter POV*
When Felix finally left to do the stupidest task I've EVER given him I sighed.UGH! I hate it when people question my decisions. And I almost ruined the plan to Y/N FALL IN LOVE WITH ME.Yes, you heard right in LOVE!! I hate the idea even though it will help me rule by my side as the queen of NEVERLAND. So said the shadow, and so far what he said has come true.

UGH I hate Hook! I am still in WAIT A MIN...WHERE AM I?! "you're in camp     Y/n". said a voice behind me. It was Pan! "But why am I in camp and not in a cage?" I asked." I can put you back if you want", said Peter. " No, no, no!!" I answered quickly."I thought so" Peter said coldly. "Oh, and one more thing," said Peter, making me wait." And what is that?"I asked because I couldn't wait any longer." Welcome to MY camp!! And back to Neverland!" he shouted before going to play the flute.And I must admit that he plays quite well.

* Sorry for the short part I hope you like it till here*

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