
Start from the beginning

"Yeah, It's gonna hurt seeing my baby girl being taken away from me," He chuckled, rubbing Sehkani head. Her hair was put into four small braids, Sehkani did them herself. She hated not having something done to her hair, Her mother taught her to never leave the house with your hair messy, Even if you had to throw a bonnet on.

"She'll be in good care, Right Carlos." The lady smiled before
stepping aside, revealing a small mixed boy standing behind her.

Carlos smiled big before nodding his head, "Yeah, We even get gummies." He held out his hand, Sehkani took a closer look. She knew the difference between vitamins and candy - and those were vitamins.

"Heard that Seh?" Her father smiled looking down at Sehkani.

Sehkani shrugged before turning her head back to Carlos, She wanted to believe that he was just doing this as a act, but he looked genuine happy.

"We can take her from here, If you want." The lady looked at Sehkani before looking at her father.

"That'll be fine." He nodded before bending down to Sehkani height level, leaving a small kiss on her forehead, He cleared his throat before walking away.

"Carlos, Take Sehkani to her room." She instructed looking Sehkani up and down, "She will need a shower, bad." She mumbled before walking away, with the sound of her heels clicking against the white tiled floor.

Carlos nodded before turning on his heel and directing Sehkani to her room, "Don't worry, I was nervous when I first came here." He cheesed.

Sehkani nodded as she fiddled with her fingers, which was covered in blood and dirt. She listened to the sound of his feet, Since the workers made the kids wear squeaky shoes so they couldn't sneak out past bedtime.

Carlos approached a door before turning toward Sehkani, "You'll know this is your room because of your name tag that's engraved on the door... Can you read?" He furrowed his eyebrows, pointing at the engraved name.

She nodded, "Yes."

"That's something new... Mostly
people say no. Okay, Then everything else should be self-explanatory since they hang signs everywhere. Some lady should come around and escort you to supper, you came just in time." He smiled before walking away, He would glance at the cameras every once in a while before turning a corner. Meaning, Sehkani couldn't see him anymore.

Opening her door, She stepped inside before looking around. She had some stuff animals, a small pile of toys and one blanket. Most of those being hers from home, As if this was already planned.

Sehkani spotted a neatly folded pile of clothes on the end of her bed, She assumed they wanted her to get dressed in the gown that laid there with cute pink bunnies on it.

Walking over towards the bed, She began getting dress. Which didn't take long being that she was only putting on a gown. She slid on the slippers they provided her before hearing a loud alarm, along with a red light.

She quickly placed her hands over her ears before humming a soft tune, Sehkani wasn't good with loud blaring noises. It wasn't one of her disorders, She just was never good with them. They made her paranoid.

"Hello- Oh is the sound affecting you?" A pretty black lady asked stepping inside Sehkanis room, She held a clipboard and a pen in her hand as she was dressed in a white fitted dress.

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