chapter zero: The arrival

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Nobody's POV:

There was a shift in the breeze when nevermores gates opened for an oak carriage led by two horses with crimson eyes that almosed seemed to glow and coats as dark as blood could get. The People within were a man, woman and boy.

The carriage pulled up to the doors of an old gothic styled building which seemed to be crumbling at the spires yet somehow the main building didn't seem to bad. The doors to the carriage were opened by the driver and the family walked out to be greeted by a woman in white with matching white hair and lipstick that rivaled their attire.

"Hello callaghans and welcome to Nevermore academy. Home of outcast studends where they can thrive and le-" the woman said gleefully yet was cut off by the older gentleman of the family
"Yes Larissa we get it, we went here to remember?" He spoke softly but firmly as he turned her way with his eyes holding a tint of burgundy
"My apologies. Now then you must be y/n Callaghan am I correct" she asked
"Aye. You'd be right ma'am" he spoke without batting an eye but instead helping his driver with the luggage from the back
"Well great, here you shall learn to thrive and discover new things away from societies prejudice" Larrisa smiled and observed the boy as he turned to her
"I do not get offended by normies easily. I just make their blood go backwards until they beg me to stop" he smirked as his eyes visibly glew red for a second
"Well I can assure you there will be no need to do that here" She nodded
"Whatever you say..." he said coldly as his mother clipped him around the head "ow! Mother what was that for!?"
"No trouble y/n remember...not like last time" The slim woman spoke eerily softly at him
"C'mon the kid only had a hemorrhage" he rebutted
"Either way he his comatose and barley badly hit our familys reputation now quiet!" She hissed

The family were taken to a dimly lit room with a desk, two seats and a fireplace with medusa as an archway for it. "Usually we don't allow this kind of transfer mid semester yet your family name means a great deal so I pulled a few strings for you and another girl who joined yesterday" Weems spoke.
"Will my son have his specialised uniform as promised?" Arthur asked
"Yes, yes. Mahogany red uniform. It looks great and was tailored to perfection" Weems smiled
"Great. Now then miss Weems tell me, at this great academy of yours do you honestly think you hold the facilities to keep me back?" Y/n said from the back of the room "or will I have to mow my way through all of you to get out" his hair had risen up and showed an underside of red.
"Calm." His mother spoke as his face went blue and he fell to the floor holding his chest
"Fine..." y/n growled angrily at his mother as he wheezed. Weems looked unfazed at the other woman in the room and just smiled " have always been a master of your blood magic Anna" Weems commented the young looking woman who barley had to lift a finger to almost kill her youngest. All she did in reply was chuckle.

Next thing y/n knew he was at the main desk at the enterance grabbing his mahogany red specialised uniform and schedule. He had wished his parents a heartfelt goodbye as their carriage rode away swiftly. As he watched Larissa put a hand on his shoulder and smiled "come now y/n let us meet your roomate" she said kindly
"Okay then. Lead the way" he said stoically. Larissa took y/n to his new room where inside was a gorgon boy sat at a desk on his laptop watching YouTube and across from him was a bed, another desk yet with a few suitcases around it and a wardrobe. The gorgon paused the video and turned to see who was at his door when he saw Weems "oh principal Weems. What's up?" He asked with a small smile. Weems moved to the side to reveal y/n who walked in "hello there. I'm y/n callaghan it seems I'm your new roomate" he smiled warmly and stuck a hand out to shake as the gorgon did so cautiously. "Oh well thats neat. I'm Ajax it's nice to meet you dude" he went back to his laptob as Weems smiled and was about to leave before saying "luckily it's saturday so don't fear about classes yet. Tommorow I will have someone give you a tour of the school, have fun y/n" she then left immediately.

Y/n sighed and closed the door before unpacking his things and then getting comfortable. By now it was dark and y/n's eyes became heavy 'If mother and father curse me to be placed in this asylum for the unnatural I should probably get used to it or else they might actually kill me instead of threatening to do it' he thought to himself as he laughed and layed on his bed before closing his eyes and drifiting off to a deep sleep

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