Chapter 11 Boat

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Well, good morning! Hello! What a beautiful day! Everything's perfect here, wouldn't you say? Oh, except for one thing, and it's quite horrifying. Guy's and the Equestria Girls' friend, Sam-I-Am, has been Sam-I-Am-Lying.

Sam was sitting in the tree branch upset about that he has betrayed his friends' trust. Especially to Guy and Pinkie Pie.

Guy woke up from the tent, got out, stretched his arms, and said, "What a beautiful morning! Hey, good news. When I was little, I used to get beat up for my lunch money." He pulled out his piggy bank from the tent. Sam asked, "How is that good news?" He said, "Because it's why I started saving my money in this ziggy bank." Guy twisted the nose of his zizzy bank and bruckles poured in his hand. "Six bruckles. Just enough to put you, me, the girls, and Jenkins on this afternoon's ferry to Meepville."

Sam said, "Mr Jenkins, right. Uh, you know, what's the rush? I'm sure there's another ferry tomorrow." Guy asked, "What's going with you? We're almost there. One more boat ride, and Mr Jenkins will finally be safe."

Poor Guy. So clueless, naive as a Flerz. Sam's selling Mr J to that no-good Snerz.

Guy said, "Come on! I'm starving. The girls are probably up by now. How about some breakfast?" Guy goes back to his house. Sam feels extremely bad as the guilt keeps going deep in his heart.

Inside the Am-I's home, Sam made some breakfast, green eggs and ham. The girls are already up and eating breakfast with Guy's brothers and grandfather while Pinkie was looking for something in her bag. The kids were playing around with Mr Jenkins.

Both parents walked up to Guy who was reading a newspaper. Mr Am-I said to Guy to get his attention, "Uh, son, your mother and I want to apologize for how we reacted when you told us about your new Paint Watching job last night. Uh, so we, uh, painted this for you." He gave the picture of Guy, Mr Jenkins, Sam, and the girls who are an angels flying around them to Guy.

Mrs Am-I asked, "I-is it dry yet? You tell us. We don't have the gift. Will you forgive us?" Guy said, "No, I will not." The parents gasped. Everyone turned their attention to Guy with a gasp.

"Because, there's nothing to forgive. Oh, I'm lucky to have you all." Guy told them with a smile. All of his friends and family smiled proudly. "Not everyone has a home to... Well, to come home to, and I should have come back here more often." Both parents hugged their son.

Mrs Am-I said, "We raised a good son. I mean, look at you, the girls, and your selfless, heroic friend Sam are doing for that trusting, innocent Chickeraffe. Jenkins are in good hands." Sunset said, "You can say that again." Sam was still upset as he watched the kids play with Jenkins. He just can't believe what he was doing. Instead of saving the Chickeraffe, he has to give him to the collector once they reach to Meepville.

"Sam, I think your eggs are burning." Guy said to get Sam's attention. Sam noticed the green eggs were burning. He quickly turned off the fire, blowing away the smoke, and said, "Huh? Yeah. Yeah, okay." Rarity asked, "Is everything okay, darling?" He lied, "Oh, yeah. Everything's A-OK." He mumbled to himself, "Keep it together, I-Am."

Sam picked up the plate filled with already cooked green eggs and ham and said, "Who's first? Sunnyside up. Sunnyside down. Sunnyside sideways. Over easy. Over complicated." He did some tricks with the eggs and hams. He said to Guy, "The rest of the Am-I's seems to love it. Maybe that runs in the family? What do you say, Guy? Is it finally time to give them a try?"

Guy was thinking about refuses like all the time before. But, maybe he could. Guy turns his attention to Pinkie who was ready to present her gift. Guy was suspicious of the seven girls, but after what Sam was doing for him, he could return the favor.

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