━ one: from the existing pool of victors

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...from the existing pool of victors...

from the existing pool of victors

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CORA SNOW IS a name that is constantly on everyone's lips, surfacing about once every couple years with a scandal attached to it because trouble was attracted to the girl like a moth to a flame.

She was thought of as another pretty face, a spoilt Snow brat who just happened to reside in District 7 by bad luck. Her mother was a whore, blamed for producing this abnormality, this girl that went against the nature of how Panem worked. She was part District scum and part Capitol bourgeoisie - two opposites that didn't attract. Cora was never supposed to exist, this disruption to the balance. There were even rumours that circulated before her birth saying that the President planned to kill her in a bid to restore the natural order.

Technically, the gossip wasn't wrong. Really, it was only the timing that was just a little off.

Coriolanus Snow wasn't stupid enough to murder his unborn granddaughter in cold blood so he waited, waited and waited until she was of age then. . . the Reaping! Cora's name was called out and she was sent packing off to the Capitol to prepare for the Hunger Games, the whispers that surrounded her name intensifying as bets were placed on the possibility of her survival. It was the perfect cover and even Cora had to grudgingly admit how clever it was.

Despite everything and against all odds, Cora was crowned Victor and damn, didn't the Capitol just eat her up.

They devoured her story, her courage and her seemingly indifferent nature. She presented herself as arrogant, borderline cruel, everything that the Snows embodied because that was exactly what the President told her to be and Cora didn't plan on defying him when she had just managed to escape the Arena. She would be ice like how her family were expected to be - until she was called upon to carry out her contract then she had to be fire, some wild girl that needed to be tamed in bed, a spitfire, they liked to describe.

Still, Cora hates thinking about that. All her fake personas, all these people she has to play, all these scripts she needs to memorise. Even at home, she can't really be herself, not when all these eyes are on her and just anticipating the moment where she'd break and lose it all. The day where this Snow cut herself on ice would be celebrated by many.

And now, it seems that day has come.

Only it's a lot more than just a cut.

Cora's thoughts are racing so fast that she barely registers the pounding footsteps thudding up the stairs until her bedroom door flies open. Her mother's face is completely white as she tumbles into the room.

Kaina Obelle has always been pretty - after all, nothing else could've enticed Adonis Snow to risk his inheritance. But the years haven't been kind to Kaina, stress and age finally catching up on her. About twenty more years must've been added to her in this single moment because Cora could've sworn she just saw a hair on her mother's head turn grey.

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