Twenty Three

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Chan had been mentally preparing himself to talk to Changbin, but he really had no idea how the conversation would go. He had hoped Changbin would have calmed down enough that he would at least hear the elder out, but there was also a pretty great chance the younger would shut him down the moment he opened his mouth. Either way, the conversation had to be had, which left Chan standing outside of their shared apartment. 

Taking a nervous breath, Chan unlocked the front door and entered the apartment, closing the door gently behind himself. 

"Ji, that you?" Changbin called out, walking into the living area. His shoulders dropped when he saw Chan standing by the door instead of their youngest roommate. "Oh."

"Can we please talk?" Chan requested, expression hopeful. 

"I've heard all you've had to say. Unless your opinion has changed." Changbin shrugged, looking down to the floor as if the stained wooden flooring was the most interesting thing in the world. 

"Please, let's just hear what each other has to say." The brunet was hoping his friend would be open to even just hearing what he wanted to tell him. 

Changbin sighed, making eye contact with the elder. 

"You kept in contact with the monster that tried to kill us, then defended him. I don't know what more needs to be said." 

"I'm sorry for not considering how it made you feel." Chan frowned, genuinely feeling regretful for neglecting Changbin's feelings. 

"It's more than that." Changbin muttered, though Chan heard him. 

"I know. And I know your opinion on Felix. The whole situation is fucked, and I get that. I just need you to see things from my point of view, please." 

"What exactly is your point of view?"

"Felix isn't human. His brain doesn't work like ours, his instincts overtake logic sometimes. But, he's changed, and I can prove it. He cares about me, and I care about him." 

"I find it hard to believe someone driven by a killer instinct could ever truly care about someone."

"He cares enough to stop attacking people, even if it's taking a toll on his health." Chan spoke matter-of-factly. He wasn't exactly a fan of how Changbin had dismissed his statement of the blond's feelings towards him, but given the circumstances, he chose to ignore it. 

"How exactly has not hurting people affected his health?" Changbin raised an eyebrow. 

"By feeding, uh, consensually.. he's been drinking a lot less blood. His hunger is worse, and he's more often weak than he is strong." 

Changbin took a moment to process the information. 

"How long until he snaps, then?"

Chan wanted to scoff, but he kept his emotions suppressed. He knew the only way to get through to his friend was to stay neutral with his feelings. 

"He won't. He's managing." 

"I'm sorry, but you can't expect me to excuse what he's done just because you claim he's changed."

"I know he's done some fucked up things, trust me. I remind myself of them every time I see him. But he really, truly, has become a better person."

"Or he's just gotten better at hiding it from you."

"It's not like that."

"Maybe it is, and he's pulling a veil over your eyes." 

"Changbin, seriously-"

Nightmare // chanlixNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ