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It was four in the morning, and Chan was tired. 

He had just finished an eight-hour shift which consisted of pouring drinks, cleaning up spills, and assisting overly-drunk individuals out of the bar. Oh, and he had been bitten by a vampire roughly two hours in. No big deal.

But maybe it was a bigger deal than he wanted it to be, because Chan couldn't stop thinking about it. About how it felt.

Now he understood why a person would willingly let a vampire bite them - when you felt at ease, and knew what was coming, the experience was pleasurable. Possibly even more than that - great, if he dared. 

Felix had stuck around for a while with his friends, but left around two hours before Chan had finished work. Chan had spent the entire night trying to see if he could tell which of the group were vampires, and which were human. Safe to say, apart from Felix and Hyunjin, he had no idea. 

The bar was still open when he was leaving, though last orders had already been taken and there were very few people left. The street seemed a bit busier, but only because it was occupied by people from other establishments who were trying to get home. The town wasn't necessarily rampant with clubs and bars, but there were a few on this side of town, meaning the walk home would not likely be quiet. 

Chan began his walk home, headphones on as he listened to his playlist on shuffle. He matched his footsteps to the beat of the song mindlessly, each foot hitting the pavement below perfectly on time. His pace only faltered when someone stumbled out of a building before him, causing him to almost trip over them. 

Due to the flow of music over his head-phone concealed ears, Chan didn't hear a word they slurred and attempted to continue on. He was stopped, unfortunately, when he felt a hand around his wrist. He pulled his headphones off and let them fall around his neck as he looked at the man with confusion. 

"Hey dude, sorry. I-I'm really drunk, and I lost my phone. Could you call me a cab?"

The man seemed to be in his forties, and was dressed way too sensibly to seem like the type to get wasted at a bar to the point of losing his phone and asking a stranger for help.

"Sorry, it's about to die, I gotta get home." Chan replied, pulling his hand from the other's grasp. 

"Please - I'll give you my wallet or s'mthin' to pay." The man swayed as he waved his wallet out in front of him. 

Chan frowned at the man's naivety - the next person he tried that on would get him robbed. Figuring no one even remotely sobering up would ever wave their wallet in the air at someone, Chan pulled out his phone and paused his music, making sure to keep a tight grip on it. Theft wasn't necessarily common in this area, but he wanted to make sure it stayed that way. 

"What's your address?" Chan questioned, typing in the bar they were outside of as a pickup point on his app. 

"It's uh, f-fourteen willow road." The man frowned as if he was trying to remember himself. 

"That's only two streets down - you should walk." Chan said, realising no taxi driver is going to accept a two minute ride. 

"I think- ah, I think I'll fall." The man laughed, almost child-like as he took a step forward and put his hands out to steady himself. 

Chan frowned - he was tired, and wanted to go to sleep. 

"Look, I can walk you up one of the streets, but not all the way. I turn left at that junction, you need to go right." The brunet replied. 

The man shook his head, trying to steady himself after realising it was only dizzying him more. 

"No, you go home. I'll try s'mon'else for a cab." The man smiled, eyes half open.

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