1- Project : launching...

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- "State of the patient ?" 

-"Stable." He said, without a tint of emotion in his voice. 

Dozens of people were busy with complicated engine and electronic devices. They were floating in the spaceship, as they were finally getting closer to Pandora. 

-"Age of the patient ?" another man wearing a white blouse asked. 

-"Unknown. Teenager for what we know. Us scientists are not told much about this project." 

They walked, floated, ran, urging to make sure that their important patient would be ready when they would land. It had been so complicated, so complicated to set this project, so complicated to find her, so complicated to go on this planet again, after what had happened the last times. Every human on earth had heard of the tragic second failure of the humans. They all had heard about how the Na'vi defended once again their own planet, their own families, their own lives. 

However, humans had no choice but to come back. The earth was getting sicker and sicker. Drastically more polluted each second. It was dying under the footstep of its inhabitants. Going on Pandora for the third time was not for a matter of money, for a matter of ressources or for a matter of revenge. It was necessary, to ensure that humans would survive, may it be on Pandora if needed. Pandora had become the only place where humans could escape. 

It was definitely not suited to their habitation however. Whether it was about the toxic air that would kill them in a matter of second, or about the terrible creatures that would trap them under their claws and shatter them into pieces, the planet named Pandora was far from being anything like the earth. 

But Pandora had something no other planet but the Earth had. It had forests, rivers, seas, oceans, plants, mammals, it had everything they could need, if only they could adapt. 

Oh, but they would adapt. If they could not, then the planet would adapt to them. Wasn't it that simple, after all ? 

No, because they knew that some would defend their planet, their lives. Some that hated humans. Some that did not want to see them anymore. Some that had lost everything, everyone because of humans. Some that would be ready to die only to make sure humans would never, ever, invade Pandora again. 

The Na'vi. 

Aside from the danger of the wildlife, Pandora's population was the biggest danger humans could face. They would never accept humans again. They were stronger, taller, bluer. Way too different from humans... And to humans, they were just some blue monkey, savage and dangerous people, but inferior to humans. They were just a detail that they would take care of.

Humans had technology, they were much more advanced than those pitiful blue giants. Humans had lived for thousands of years, they had evolved to the point that they knew they could finally achieve their goal : populate pandora. 

Humans were intelligent, they were smart. They knew about the Na'vi menace. They knew they could not come back, smiling, asking for asylum. It was not an option. 

Again, humans were intelligent. Intelligent enough to remember the base for all nations, all kind, all species. That base was somehow linked to love, to getting pregnant and to give birth to a child, a child of hope. This was the key to linked Humans to Na'vi, to make sure that they would be accepted, that they would be part of Pandora, or maybe more.

They needed a girl. A human girl. One that would be tough enough to survive on Pandora, pretty enough to charm them all, cunning enough to get her ways, make him fall for her, get a child and protect every humans that would ever come to Pandora. 

She would not marry anyone. She would marry the son of the one that once was Toruk Makto, the one that stood as a huge symbol for all Na'vi, the one that once was a human too. It had to be the eldest, the purest, the first born. It had to be him, the nice little soldier who would follow his dad's order. He had to marry the nice little soldier who would follow the army's order. 

She was the key to Harmony. She had been the key ever since she was born, ever since she was even thought about. Ever since she had breathed for the first time, her life only had had one purpose : Neteyam. 

- "We must reconciliate the Na'vi with the human. We must colonize Pandora. It is our only hope. She is our only hope." 

A scientist at the back of the room was listening to some kind of earth program. They need to stay in contact with other humans. This time, humans would succeed. 

She opened her eyes. She was on a white bed, wearing white clothes, and the white light did not help distinguish anything else. This made her close her yellow eyes quickly, before she opened them again, slightly. She saw men and women surrounding her, all wearing white as well. She suddenly felt as if she was gasping for air. It was unbearable. She coughed, until one of them put a mask on her face. Only there did she realized she was attached to the bed, with huge belt covering her belly, her wrist and her ankles. 

She took deep breath, narrowing her eyebrows as her eyes got used to the light. She looked at their faces. They were eyeing her as if she was some kind of experiment. 

Turning her head to the left, she saw a window that finally gave her a hint of where she was. Space. Her heart began to beat faster, and the devices surrounding her went crazy. Her long ears, similar to those of Na'vi, and strange to humans, were too sensitive for those loud sounds. Especially since she had been frozen into a tube for so long. 

She was in Space. So it was not all a lie. The mission she had been training for years was true. Pandora was true. Spaceships were true. All of this was true. 

And she, the perfect mix of human and Na'vi's DNA, was true as well. 

The voices of scientists echoed the room, but she could not focus on any of them. She was told to calm down, to breath, to shut her eyes.

Eventually, another man erupted the room, making the other go quiet. He approached the young girl, still laying on the white bed. Her looked at her for a moment, then finally he leaned over, and whispered to her.

"Welcome back, Harmony."

The Harmony Project (NeteyamXOC)Where stories live. Discover now