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         The engine rumbled loudly as Lilith sat in the front seat, waiting for her dad

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The engine rumbled loudly as Lilith sat in the front seat, waiting for her dad. Had this been a month ago, she would've been excited to go confront any community who tried to push back. At the very least, indifferent. But now, sitting here alone in this massive truck, Lilith felt sick to her stomach at the thought of what today would hold.

Something about these people was just different, and she knew they wouldn't just sit back and take it. That scared her—the unknown. Deep in thought, Lilith jumped when the driver side door opened and Negan climbed inside, propping up Lucille on the seat in between them. The teenager rolled her eyes at the action.

"You ready, baby?" Her father asked.

She raised an eyebrow, "You talking to me or the inanimate object?"

Negan chuckled, "Why not both?"

Sighing Lilith redirected her gaze out the window, "So, she actually agreed to this? Sasha. There was no threats or coercion?"

"Nope, only civil compromise."

"Hm," Lilith was suspicious but said nothing, not in the mood for arguing.

Then, the caravan set off.


As they arrived at Alexandria's gates, the pit in Lilith's stomach grew. They'd ran into a few obstacles on the way there, with Rick's people copying her father's signature fallen-tree diversion. But now, they were here.

Eugene's voice rung out as the caravan slowly approached. Lilith could almost see the betrayal the people of Alexandria began to feel.

"All checkpoints are covered. Every contingency is already met," The man stated through a megaphone as he stood inside the front of his vehicle. "I come armed baring to barrels of the truth. A test is upon you, and I'm giving out the cheat sheet."

Brakes squeak and hiss as the entire caravan comes to a halt. Eugene's confidence visibly wavers.

"H-hello," he greets his former companions, "I come salved with the hope that it is my dropped knowledge that you heed. Options are zero to none. Compliance and fealty are your only escape. Bottom-lining it—you may thrive, or you may die. I sincerely wish for the former. . . for everyone's sake. The jig is up and in full effect. Will you comply Rick?

The man in questioned stared in rageful silence. Even from a distance, one could see Rick's stance falter completely. After a moment, he finally spoke up. "Where's Negan?" he demanded.

Another pause filled the thick air before Eugene's voice replied, "I am Negan."

At his words, the deal was sealed. Rick and his people would not hold back. There was a long period of quiet where the knowledge of Eugene's betrayal sunk in. Then, something shifted. Lilith felt it. It wasn't until after Rick quickly ducked down that she realized what it was. They had planned something.

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