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          Lilith let out a sigh of relief when she looked back and realized the bullet had lodged itself into the wood of Lucille

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          Lilith let out a sigh of relief when she looked back and realized the bullet had lodged itself into the wood of Lucille. Better that than her father's head, she thought to herself.

Not according to him, though.

Negan was livid. He cursed and screamed and threw a tantrum. "You shot Lucille!" He raged at the woman whom Lilith had pinned down on the ground.

"She got in the way," Rosita retorted.

Then, Lilith took her smaller pocket knife out, holding it against the woman's neck. Behind her, Negan picked up the shell casing off the ground, looking at it.

"What is this?" He asked, out of breath. "This little bad boy made from scratch?" He examined it for a moment. "Look at those crimps. This was homemade. You may be stupid darlin', but you showed some real ingenuity here. Lili, honey, move that knife up to the lady's face." Once she did, the man leaned down, "Lucille's beautiful smooth surface is never gonna look the same, so why should yours?"

The tension between everyone thickened as Negan continued to breath heavily. Then he spoke up again, "Unless. . . unless you want to tell me who made this."

Rosita didn't hesitate before responding, "It was me. I made it"

"You see, now I just think you're lying. And lying to me now?! Such a shame. Lilith's gonna have to cut up that pretty face."

"It was me." Rosita reiterated, picking her head up which caused the knife to leave a shallow gash on her cheek.

"Woah! You are such a badass!" Negan laughed. "Fine, have it your way." He looked at his daughter, "Honey, kill somebody."

Lilith's arm moved on its own. Her instinct to follow orders taking over as she turned and aimed.

"No, please! It was me!" Rosita begged from the ground, but the girl had fired it at the first person she saw.


Lilith stared in shock at her hand. She watched as Carl, who'd been standing next to the woman, crouched down to look at her. She couldn't help but feel guilty for all of it.

The girl moved away from Rosita, slowly standing back up. She tried her best to hide her reaction, to not seem vulnerable. Though she feared her heavy breathing might've given it away.

Just then, Rick showed up with a wounded Aaron leaning against him. He passed the man onto someone else before marching up to Lilith's father.

"We had a deal!"

"Rick!" Negan cheered hoarsely. "Look, everybody, it's Rick! You people are making me lose my voice doing all this yelling." He was met with that typical cold stare.

"Rick. . . how about a thank you? I mean, look, I know we started off this relationship with me beating the holy shit out of one of your friends, and because of that we're never gonna braid each other's hair or share our deepest darkest secrets, but how about a little credit? I just bent over backwards to show you how reasonable I am. Your kid—" he gestured to Carl, "he hid in one of my trucks and machine-gunned a bunch of my men down, and I brought him home safe and sound. And I fed him spaghetti."

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