
The end of the day didn't come too far to anyone. Valerie's mood had dipped slightly as she couldn't find Vik, Tobi, Harry- or any of the boys! Josh seemed to be everywhere she went, sat with his friend group (minus Freya, who was moping outside) and hence Valerie had nowhere to go other than the library- sitting with two friendly girls from her class; Talia and Gee.

Slamming her locker shut, Valerie slung her bag over her shoulder and walked through the halls, dodging the large groups of students and crowding in the corridor until she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Heya, Vally!" Vik smiled, finding her side. "Come return this book with me?"

"Sure." Valerie agreed with a nod, veering left to the library with him. She stood to the side, picking up her phone and checking her notifications before following Vik to the room behind the counter which Valerie remembered she had once found Harry crying within. 

As she entered the room her hand traced the wall to find a light-switch, the small room barely illuminated by the light from outside and in the main space of the library. 

Valerie's eyes contracted as she heard Simon and JJ's voice nearing- also accompanied by Josh. She whipped around, realising that Vik had left her in the room- before watching the door get yanked open and JJ pushing Josh in, causing him to stumble past Valerie- before JJ slammed the door shut and the familiar click of the lock signifying they'd been locked in. Valerie paced to the door and slammed it multiple times with the back of her hand. 

"SHUT UP AND SORT IT OUT!" JJ replied from the other side of the door.


"YOU'RE TOO CUTE TO BE IN AN ARGUMENT!" Tobi's voice now rung out, erupting an uncharacteristic fit of giggles.

"DICKHEADS!" Valerie yelled back, though there was a smile now on her face. "WE AREN'T EVEN ARGUING!"

"You are avoiding me though, aren't you." Valerie whipped back around to realise that she really was locked in a room with Josh. She couldn't see his expression- just the outline of his body. "Why, Val?" 

It was a good question. Why was she ignoring him? I suppose it was embarrassment. And she didn't want to confront him. It was embarrassing admitting what she was going through and telling him about it certainly felt odd. Then kissing him, too. She'd liked it- she'd liked him... It was just so... blurry. And it was special, that's for sure, but it was also her first kiss. The thought of him thinking it was awful or not wanting to do that again with her made her cringe.

"Uhm... I-it's nothing you've done.... It' just a, like, mix of things...?" Valerie heard Josh chuckle lightly, before watching his body slowly slide down the wall until he was sat on the floor. She did the same, sitting a few feet away. 

"You meant everything you said yesterday, didn't you?"

"Well, yeah..."


"But... Well, I don't know! It's- it's just been such a short time between you broke it off with Freya and I don't wanna walk into her assumptions and just date you straight after your breakup..."

She felt herself slide down the wall as she spoke also, budging up until she felt her body against Josh's- his hand sliding around her shoulders instinctively. 

"That's... That's reasonable." Josh felt his palm grow clammy. He wanted to date her. To go out with her. Too bad she just couldn't agree. "I'm not going to... you know, force or try coerce you or anything. I like you. You like me. I'm fine with that."

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