
Comincia dall'inizio

   Who the hell is "Aidan"?

   The wind picked up suddenly and tugged at the flyer in your hand. A small squeal of surprise erupted from you when it slapped right into your face before being whipped away with the air.

   "Wha—Oh come on!"

   The wind became harsh enough to force your eyes shut. Putting your arms up to defend yourself, you felt yourself being tugged backward. Grunting, you steadied your feet against the ground of the abyss.

   Attempting to open your eyes again, you cried out as you were blinded by a sudden bright light. The sound of a horn began blasting in your ears, made you nauseous. The volume of it made your brain feel like mush. Furiously you began scratching at your ears trying to rid of the sound.

   Your heartbeat was drumming in your ears. The wind fell silent. The blaring horn had died. Peeling your eyes opened, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding at the realization it was a dream. A very...very absurd dream.

   Rubbing your eyes to become more awake a yawn graced your lips. Blinking a few more times you realized you were in your own room. A little confused, your eyes meandered over to your nightstand and more specifically your phone which was charging.

   With a hefty sigh you tried to sit up in order to reach it. Keyword: tried.


Again, you attempted to move but failed. You couldn't sit up because of a weight around your side and being unable to move your legs. No, no, instead of moving, you were actually pulled back a bit and squeezed.


Before your anxiety kicked in, you decided to use your braincells and glanced down at your waist and did a double take.

Hesitantly, you placed your hand on the one looped around you. You pressed your lips together in a thin line when something nuzzled against the top of your head.

You fell still. What the actual ever loving frick frack was going on. A chill shot down your spine when breath fanned the back of your neck. Squirming, you managed to flip over to face the other.

Seemingly upset about all the movement, his nose wrinkled. You still couldn't believe you actually were seeing Jack without his mask, and that he wasn't sleeping with it on like before. He had long eyelashes, something you weren't really expecting. (What were you expecting?) Again, there were small scars lining his eyes, not something you'd normally notice at first glance.

   His one tooth was a little visible protruding from under his upper lip. A snaggletooth. Now that you had a closer look at his face, you noticed a few tiny black specs across his face. They in a way mimicked freckles or moles.

Maybe he had freckles when he was human?

   It was still weird to know he had been human at one point. You never really took time to think about his life, well his outside life. Though now it was more, thinking about what his life was before. You didn't know much about either.

   Wait—no stop, not the time to be thinking about that.


𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora