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Leo's Pov: 

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Leo's Pov: 

I tentatively walked into the room. Hoping that this demon in front of me was ok with my presence. 

"Leo isn't here." Aria grumbled. 

I raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you want to hide from him?" 

"No!" She scoffed. 

Oh I see. So now she was switching up her story. 

"Well why do you want to see him?" I asked her my curiosity got the better of me again. 

She glared at me. "It's a secret." 

I walked closer to her, careful of the glass everywhere, and i watched as she looked tired now. Like she could fall asleep at anytime. 

Talk about fucking mood swings. 

She was sat on top of the bedsheets, and so I had to pick her up again and place her on the bed. She didn't even say anything. Let me move her. 

She stunk of my perfume. 

I picked the bedsheets up and placed them on the bed. 

She then kicked her high heeled shoes of in my face. I didn't even have anytime to react, she just flung them in my face. 

I swallowed. Trying not to shout at this insanely drunk girl. 

I picked the shoes up and while I was doing this she pulled her bun out and her soft brown hair tumbled out. 

I swallowed again. I forgave her for hitting me with her shoes. Even if she didn't ask for my forgiveness, she was still forgiven anyways.

Then, she pulled the bedsheets over her. 

On my bed. 

My bed. 

I shook my head. It was fine. She could sleep here for now I'd sleep in my office. 

"Oi." Just as I turned around. "Come here." 

I turned back around to see her. Wide awake. 

Bloody hell. 

"What is it now?" I sighed. 

"Your my h-human shield, you can't leaveeee." She slurred. 

"I-" There was no way she was being serious right now. 

Sadly it seemed like she was. I walked over to the bed and sat on the side. She also sat up on the bed. I looked towards the door, willing for her to just go back to sleep. 

"You!" She demanded. 

I turned. 

Her lips landed on my cheek. 

I froze not knowing what happened, until she tried to kiss me again. I held her by her shoulders. 

"What on earth are you doing?" I asked flabbergasted. I had forgotten to breath. 

"Kiss?" She innocently asked. 

"K-KISS?" I choked out. 

She nodded, giggling. 

"KISS!" She declared. 

She then lunged at me trying to get to my face. I held her wrists and pushed her back. Until I had pinned her down on the bed, making sure to hold her wrists down. She pouted. 

"Listen to me Aria." I said, my voice low. "There is no way in hell I am letting you kiss me and then forget it. You are so fucking drunk now that if you kiss me you won't remember it. When you do kiss me, you will remember it. I'll make sure of that." 

I looked down at her for a moment longer. Bad decision. Seeing her looking up at me and grinning so widely, everything in my body wanted to lean down and kiss the fuck out of her. 

But I sighed and let go. 

I didn't even know if she wanted to kiss me. I couldn't take advantage of her when she was so drunk, it just didn't seem right.

And like I promised. When she did want to kiss me, she was going to remember it. I'll be damned if she doesn't remember our first kiss. 

Because I knew that from this moment onwards, I was going to do anything to make her mine. 

"Why are you trying so hard to find Leo." I murmured as I brushed back her hair. 

"Because he gets scared in the night." She murmured back. 

My eyes widened. I wasn't expecting an answer. Let alone one that shook me to my core. 

"H-how do you know?" I pushed. 

"He pretends to be strong, mean and a total dick." Aria sleepily murmured. "His hands shake when he sleeps. He lives in a world that he doesn't want to when he sleeps and so he gets scared." 

My eyes dropped to my hands right now. 

They were shaking right now. Slightly trembling. 

It was true, my hands do shake when it turned nigh time. Yet I never expected her to notice, nobody  notices. 

Nobody but her. 

And that was why it had to be her. That's why she had to be the woman who I loved. I finally found my answer. 

Then her eyes opened a little. 

"You know Leo plays the guitar? He plays so well. I heard it only once before but it was beautiful, I've always wanted to hear him play it again." She mumbled. 

My eyes gravitated to my closet. Where my guitar lay. 

I guess I could play her something, I mean its not like she's going to remember this. 

Walking towards the closet I opened the door and slid the panel from behind. Pulling out my guitar. 

I then looked down at my hands. They were still wrapped in bandages around my knuckles as they had mostly healed over, though Paris had advised me not to clench my fists as they could start bleeding. 

If I played the guitar I'd have to clench them to hold the fretboard. 

I could go through more pain then this for her. This was nothing. 

I carried my guitar back to the bed and saw that she was sleeping soundly. I propped on the edge of the bed and slowly ran my fingers down the strings of my guitar. I took a breath and classped my hand around the fret board. 

I could feel the skin in my hands tearing a little, they had not healed properly yet, so it was no wonder that it was breaking a little. 

I ignored the pain, and strummed. 

Slowly, a gentle and soothing one, the same on I had played that day that she boldly decided to try and jump of the balcony ledge as she felt like I didn't believe her. 

And I mean, of course I didn't. No one was stupid enough to hurt themselves over a little dare. 

No one was stupid enough to run after a car that was going at a pretty decent speed. No one was stupid enough to have me fall in love with them. At least that was what I though. 

That was until she came though. 

She broke all of my beliefs. All of the things I thought were stupid, she was.

And for her I wanted to be everything. All of those things she thought were stupid, I wanted to be them. 


Ok, So i'm just letting you all know this. There is a 99.9% I will not be able to post a chapter tomorrow, Sorry! 

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