no more Amadeus

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When they are trying to go to David Licauco's house Little Amadeus got hungry
"oh I'm so hungry I want to eat something"
Little Amadeus said to David Licauco
David Licauco and Little Amadeus later went to McDonald's do eat dinner there when they arrived David ordered the food while little Amadeus is in the table but then he noticed something he saw a 2 guys fighting he later got closer and the two guys are jungkook and jimin
"you always get the chicken"
Jungkook said
" you should order a chicken yourself"
Jimin said
"you are so overdramatic"
jungkook said, the two started tackling each other little Amadeus got scared and went back to his sit and David Licauco already got the food
"let's go and eat"
Said David Licauco
Said Little Amadeus to David Licauco
They started eating but David Licauco notice something he saw a homeless man in distance looking at him he ignored it but it was looking at him then it threw a rock and it said
"you look weird LOL"
and he turned around to see that the old man is actually devillius in disguise David ignored it and eats with little Amadeus when they are done eating they went out
"I hope I could be reunited with my family again"
little Amadeus said and David Licauco remembered he is gonna find little Amadeus family
"oh no.  I forgot let's go look for your family"
David Licauco said to Little Amadeus
They went everywhere to look for his family but no luck, Little Amadeus started to cry but then David Licauco heard someone
"Wolfgang Amadeus is that you
Someone said.
"dad? Dad it's me"
Little Amadeus said, he runs into his family and they hugged
"we were so worried about you,"
Anna Maria said
"it's okay mom I'm here"
Little Amadeus said Leopold looked at David Licauco
"so you took him away
Leopold said
"no I helped him"
David Licauco said to Leopold, the Mozarts later left and went back to the house they are staying on

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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