Ch 1. You're Not Lucifer...

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(Side note all the rituals and spells you read in this story are completely made up)

....(I think)....

"Oh, Lord of fire... Prince, of darkness... Please come forth and hear my whim... My wish my will... I summon the-" Fire wooshed out from the summoning circle sending Alastor flying backwards hitting his head on the table at the other side of the room. "Fuck!" He said but was drowned out by the roaring fire that by some miracle wasn't burning down his house.

He got up just to fall back down for using his still slit hand that now had pieces of dust and rocks in it from the hard ground. He covered his eyes with his arm from the bright glow. The shadows that were originally happy to see him performing an other ritual disappeared, frightened for who he was summoning.

A second passed, the firing glow becoming bearable to look at. But then, the fire disappeared quickly releasing a foggy cold blue cloud all around the room. He immediately covered his face protecting it from the sudden change of temperature. This threw the young man off, he's summoned many demons before but this has never happened before, could it because it was Lucifer he was summoning? He uncovered his eyes, everything was covered in frost, ice cycles forming in the corners of the room and little snowflakes floating in the air.

He looked over at the pentagram and saw a slouched three glowing orange eyed creature staring back at him. That's when he noticed the candles he lit got blown out from the sudden chilling impact. The three eyed creature slammed it's right hand against the invisible force field that prevented it from exiting the pentagram, from entering the human realm completely. The sudden action made Alastor flinch.

He sat up, a little relieved that even though the candles got blown out the creature was still trapped. He tried to study the silloweted beast as best as he could without getting to close to it. The creature watched him stand up with his non-cut hand, watching his every move.

The creature appeared to have two small rabbit ears and two big rabbit ears on the side of it's head, it had a crossover of a pigs snout and a cats snout for a nose, sharp crooked goblin like teeth, little stick things sticking out of it's cheeks, lemur like hands, horse hooves for feet, a long tail like a monkey or a cat, it had something sticking out of it's back but it was to dark to see. It had an oddly shaped head, or was it hair?

He krept closer to finally see that the creature had breasts and was wearing some kind of dress like outfit. This definitely wasn't the demon he was looking for, but the way it looked, with the wide eyed glare and the wide cartoon like smile it was giving him sent chills down his spine.

He went over the steps in his head, what did he do wrong? Why is this thing here? Why is it looking at me like that? Forget that, I don't wanna know the answer to that last part...

"You're not Lucifer-"

"N-ooo fucking shit Sherlock." The creature cut him off. The creature had a heavy accent and sounded like this was its first time talking in a good long while. It sounded like it was Scandinavian, or Irish, German? He was just glad that the thing knew English.

"Who are-"


" .... Okay... Why are you he-"

"I'm the devils assistant. You can't see the King right now he's busy. Which is why he sent me."

An assistant? For the devil? Sense when? No one's ever said about the devil having an assistant...

"Interrupting is rude y-"

"I'm from hell what the fuck did you expect the goddamn tooth fairy? Cause she can be pretty mean to."

Alastor was getting quite annoyed with this women already, it was weird that she brought the tooth fairy into this though.

"So..." She said, "why did you call?"

Alastor wondered if he should tell her. I mean, she worked for the devil yes, but no one's ever said about the devil having an assistant before! What if this... Thing, was setting him up. What if she just messed with the ritual some how and wanted to have some laughs? Even if she's not who he wanted to talk to, what if she can help him get what he wants? What if-

"Heellloooooo~?" She said, snapping him out of his thoughts. The woman now had her head tilted to the left as if to look confused, but the look on her face made it obvious that this has happened to her before.

"I would rather speak to Satan then y-"

"STOP. Lucifer and Satan A.K.A. Mephistopheles, are two completely different people. If you want something from those two then you better go and study your research again before you do." Her smile faded a little. She looked offended.

Alastor took a second to process what she just said. Lucifer and Satan aren't the same person? How much did he know is right and wrong!?

"Sense it's clear you don't wanna talk to me, would you like to leave a message?" She suggested, "When he has the time I can tell him what you want or need and he will visit you shortly after. Depending on what it is of course."

He didn't want to tell her what he wanted but he just learned some new information! It would be best to have her stay around as much as he can till she got bored. He didn't think much about talking to Lucifer himself, he's done it before but still. He felt a little betrayed that this creature knows more about him than he does.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Wooooow, you know nooottthiinng for a deal maker!" She said, looking more offended but not surprised at the same time. "People summon Lucifer so often that he's gotten annoyed over the reasons people are summoning him. It's gotten to the point that even if you summon him correctly he's not gonna show up depending on why you want to see him. Like if you want a lot of cash or to bring back the deceased. Stupid shit like that basically."

Alastor thought about her words. Does he not want to see me? Are my wants stupid? She said he was busy at the moment...

"That's actually why he hired an assistant. Me."

He didn't know what to say. Yeah, he only met Lucifer once before but he thought that they were gonna be close! Especially with the amount of power he gave him when they met!

"You really need to stop thinking so much. It's not good for your mental and emotional health."

He didn't even listen to her. At this point she was just speaking nonsense.

"Earth to Allassttooor~ heelllooooo???" She said.

He couldn't even think straight. He turned and headed up the stairs. Leaving her alone in the icy basement.

She watched him cloze the door at the top of the stairs. She snapped her head facing one of the corners of the room. About three shadows were laying there just watching her. All different sizes. One glanced over at the stairs then back at her.

"Did this dumbass just?"

"Yes." They all said. In a echo.

"He is not a dumbass by the way!" The smallest one protested just to hide behind the taller shadow.

She looked down at the pentagram she was trapped in. If he doesn't send her back in a few hours she's not just gonna be stuck in the pentagram. Only he knows how often he comes down here.

She looked back over at the three shadows, the second small shadow joined the other behind the taller one.

"Are you going to help me out or what?"

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