Jaunedice, Pt.2

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Oobleck: (as Cardin gets up from his seat, fist clenched) "Mr. Winchester! Please take your seat." (when Jaune laughs at his tormentor's embarrassment, zooming up to him) "You and Mr. Arc can both see me after class for additional readings." (takes yet another sip of his coffee)

Jaune: (shoulders slumping) "Oohhhh..."

Oobleck: (zooming away) "Now! Moving on!

When the lesson ends, Pyrrha, Ip, Nora Valkyrie, and Lie Ren come out of the classroom, only for Pyrrha and Ip to stop near the doorway.

Pyrrha: "You go on ahead. We'll wait for Jaune." (they look back inside as the after-class talk occurs to the two boys)

Oobleck: (sips his coffee) "You two have been struggling in my class since day one! Now, I don't know if it's a lack of interest, or just your stubborn nature, but whatever it is..." (takes a longer sip of his coffee) "It stops now! You've worked hard to gain entrance to this school, and we only accept the best of the best, so I expect you to act like it. History is important, gentlemen! If you can't learn from it... you're destined to repeat it. Pages fifty-one to ninety-one! I want an essay on my desk by next class! Now! Run along."

With that, he zooms out of the classroom and past a waiting Pyrrha and Ip in a green and white blur. Jaune comes out first, and Cardin emerges behind him, pushing him to the ground an emitting an "Ow!" from him that makes the bully laugh before walking away.

Ip: (pulling Jaune back on his feet) You know, I could break more then just his legs if you want me to.

Pyrrha: (Jaune sighs, and Pyrrha looks like she is struck by inspiration) We have an idea! Here, come with us! (she and Ip grabs a confused Jaune by the arm and drags him along as they turns down the corridor)

A dejected Jaune, Ip, and Pyrrha come onto a rooftop of one of the buildings, with a clear view of the glowing green orbs in the central tower of Beacon.

Jaune: "Pyrrha, Ip, I know I'm going through a hard time right now, but I'm not that depressed." (looks over the edge of the roof, to the confusion of his two friends) "I can always be a farmer or something..."

Pyrrha: (realization hitting her with horror) "N-n-no!" (dashes to push Jaune away from the edge) "That's not why we brought you up here!" (the camera pans out to show the three on the roof as they talk with Cardin leaning in his windowsill right below them) "Jaune, we know you're having a difficult time in class and that you're still not the strongest of fighters, so... I want to help you!"

Jaune: "Wh-what?"

Ip: "We can train up here after class where no one can bother us!"

Jaune: "You both think I need help?"

Pyrrha: "N-no! No, that's not what we meant."

Jaune: "But you just said it."

Pyrrha: "Jaune, everybody needs a little push from time to time. It doesn't make you any different from the rest of us. You made it to Beacon! That speaks volumes of what you're capable of!"

Ip: "Yeah, not everyone gets this opportunity. You should be proud of yourself!"

Jaune: (turning away from them, lowering his head and voice) "You're both wrong. I-I don't belong here."

Pyrrha: "That's a terrible thing to say! Of course you do!"

Jaune: (turning back around, now angry) "No, I don't!" (sighs as Pyrrha and Ip looks bewildered and he reveals the truth) "I wasn't really accepted into Beacon..." (turns his back to them so he doesn't have to face them)

Ip: "Wh-what do you mean?"

Jaune: (voice going higher and higher as he confesses) "I mean I didn't go to combat school, I didn't pass any tests. I didn't earn my spot at this Academy!" (looks at her again) "I lied! I got my hands on some fake transcripts, and I lied!"

Pyrrha: "What? But... why?"

Jaune: "'Cause this is always what I've wanted to be!" (turns away again) "My father, my grandfather, and his father before him were all warriors! They were all heroes! I wanted to be one, too. I was just never good enough."

Ip: (approaching him, placing a hand on his shoulder) "Then let us help you!"

Jaune: (suddenly turning on them with mad frustration) "I don't want help! I don't want to be the damsel in distress! I want to be the hero!"

Pyrrha: "Jaune, I-"

Jaune: "I'm tired of being the lovable idiot, stuck in the tree while his friends fight for their lives! Don't you two understand? If I can't do this on my own... then what good am I?"

Pyrrha attempts to reach out for his arm and console him, but he leans back from her touch.

Jaune: " Could you two just... leave me alone. Okay?"

Pyrrha: (head bowed, sad) "If that's what you think is best..."

Ip: (sighs) "Fine. Just staying here for too long."

They walk away, their footsteps getting softer and softer until they left the roof. Back inside of Beacon, Pyrrha and Ip were walking together to their respective dorms until Pyrrha collapsed and bursted into tears. Ip got down to her level and attempted to console her.

Ip: (putting a hand on Pyrrha's shoulder) Hey, hey, hey! Pyrrha! Don't cry. You did your best, you tried to help. We can try again later.

Pyrrha: (sniffs a little before hugging Ip) "I... I'm just worried about him."

Ip: "We both are, but we can't just cry about it like that. Let's just give Jaune a little space. Maybe then he might be ready."

Pyrrha: (Looks up to him with teary eyes) "O... okay."

Ip: (helps Pyrrha back onto her feet) "Come on. Let's go to our dorms and get some sleep. Okay?"

Pyrrha: (back on her feet) "Okay."

Back on the rool, Jaune paces a little until he hears a mocking laugh and Cardin appears on the roof from his window.

Cardin: "Oh, Jaune..."

Jaune: (looking behind him at his bully) "Cardin!"

Cardin: "I couldn't help but overhear you two from my dorm room. So, you snuck into Beacon, huh? I gotta say, Jaune, I never expected you to be such a rebel!"

Jaune: (taking on a begging tone) "Please, Cardin, please, don't tell anyone!"

Cardin: "Jaune, come on! I'd never rat on a friend like that!"

Jaune: (approaching) "A... a friend?"

Cardin: "Of course!" (traps Jaune in a headlock under his arm despite his struggling) "We're friends now, Jauney boy! And the way I see it, as long as you're there for me when I need you, we'll be friends for a long time." (finally releases Jaune, who gasps as he leans on the ground) "That being said, I really don't have time to do those extra readings Dr. Oobleck gave us today. Think you could take care of that for me, buddy?" (leans down to rub Jaune's hair and gets up with a grin) "That's what I thought. "(heads back to hang onto the edge) "Don't worry, Jaune; your secret's safe with me."

Cardin drops back down to his room as Jaune rubs his neck in pain and worry before the scene fades to black.

RWBY: Legend of The Yin and Yang (RWBY x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora