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Chapter 1, The Bullied Little Daughter-in-law

  "Alert! Alert! Zerg attack! Zerg attack! Please defend! Please defend!"

  The rapid and cold mechanical sound pierced the entire battleship, pushing the panic to a heart-stringing climax.


  Ji Sui slapped the console with a violent slap. Don't look at how many people are in that Zerg? How many people are on your side, what's the situation? Defend your father! If I can beat myself, I have to beat myself, and you have to say farts!

  "Major General! There are too many Zergs! Can't resist it!" Lieutenant Alpha, with a bar and two stars on his shoulders hurriedly ran in from the control cabin, and the blood stained on his face didn't even have time to wipe it off.

  Ji Sui's two eyebrows were twisted together fiercely, looking at the zerg who couldn't see the end in the darkness outside, and the comrades who had been with him for so many years, he made a decision.

  "I will enable the self-destruct space teleportation function of the battleship later, but this battleship is too old and it will take about three minutes. This teleportation is a random teleportation. What will happen to you in the future is up to you!"

  Lieutenant Alpha's thick eyebrows were raised up unexpectedly, and he lost his voice: "Then what do you do like this! Out of the ship warehouse, even if you are the strongest warrior in the interstellar space, you can't face such a huge gap!"

  "There is not so much time! Can't you see it, some people don't want me to go back alive!"

  Ji Sui's always soft face is full of icy expressions at this time. This kind of thing can be understood after a little thought. Why are her people basically transferred? Why did she meet so many zergs on the way back? And the Zerg itself is clearly prepared! Few people know their return route at all!

  The lieutenant's expression was a little frozen, obviously he was also skeptical, but he still didn't want to believe it.

  "That's it, you guys try to live well." Ji Sui patted him on the shoulder, and then neatly pressed a red button in the corner of the console.

  And the subsequent cherishment was the last word that Ji Sui left him.

  The red blood, the sticky and nauseous green liquid, the pungent and nauseous smell was so strong that it could not dissipate. Ji Sui was already very tired. After insisting on the safe evacuation of her comrades, she did not know how long she had lasted after the warship self-destructed and exploded. I feel that my bones are so tired that I want to strike.

  After seeing the other party's powerful laser cannon projecting towards him, Ji Sui was so tired that he couldn't hold it anymore. He watched it rush towards him, lifted his last strength and strode to the side for a flash, but didn't. Carefully fell into a spatial crack that suddenly appeared, and finally lost consciousness in the turbulent flow of space.

  I don't know how long I slept. The pain from deep in my bones made Ji Sui's facial features begin to twist. From the moment I was conscious, there were a lot of buzzing sounds in Ji Sui's ears, like thousands of mosquitoes. The noise in her ears kept making her uncomfortable head hurt more and more.

  The sun was beating on the eyelids, and instead of bringing warmth, I felt that the temperature was too high and it scorched people's skin.

  "Even though it is a woman, such behavior is too slutty, right? At first glance, it's not a master who can live a good life. In the future, which young son will marry her, it will be bad luck!"

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