The Grey Butterfly 4

Start from the beginning

"Tonight," he said in a rush. "I want it to be tonight."

"I can do that. Would you like my number, so you can text me the details?" I suggest, but he cocks an eyebrow at me in a confused state. "You know, on your phone." I waved mine in the air. He pulls a brick out from his pocket and I use the buttons to type in my number. "There you go." I handed it back to him and he stared at me in a world of his own.

My sister cleared the air with a rather dramatic fake cough. "If you excuse me a moment, I need to have a word with my sister." She grabbed me by my arm and tugged me away from my friends. "You got invited to dinner!" She screamed in a hushed voice. "And you gave him your number!"

I shrugged as a reply.

"I thought I told you I have dibs."

"He's not the last cookie in the cookie jar," I snapped, but she brushed me off.

"Tell him to invite me to dinner as well."

"No, I am not going to be as rude to tell him to invite my love sick sister to his family dinner just so she can drool over him."

"If you go, I go. Tell him mum made you."

"No, Candice. I won't," I crossed my arms and stood my ground.

"Fine, but after tonight, you stay away," she grunted and hit the locker beside her at once and stormed off.

Once I make it back to the table, I see Gracie and Harry in a sociable conversation with the others. Something caught my eye about Gracie; she had a small grey butterfly tattooed on her skull behind her ear, like a stamp. She caught me staring and started drawing her loose hair behind her ear to cover it.

"What did your sister want? She looked upset." Harry asked once I was seated.

"She's upset because you've invited me to dinner and not her. You see, she's grown rather fond of you," I say while giving him a wink and he connects his eyebrows. "She has a schoolgirl crush on you."

He places his hand on top of mine and whispers, "That's a shame for her. See, there's only one girl my eyes are for," he says in an old fashioned manner.

"Well I guess she's a lucky lady then," I swallow and feel tingles attack my skin where his hand is. I was drawn into a trance by his blue orbs. What blue? But his eyes are green. I swear his eyes were green the last time I saw him, same with Gracie but when I look over at her talking to Jess and Zander I see her eyes were also blue like her brothers. "I swear this morning your eyes were green," I state and stiffly tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"It's the um...It's the..." He stutters anxiously "Jess and I have to leave," he says in a rush and picks his sister up in a confused state. They exit the cafe in a blitz before I can say anything else.

"What did you do now?" Zander says slightly annoyed.

"I don't know," I shrug.

I made my way home after the school day on my own. I didn't see Harry or Gracie for the rest of the day. They had literally disappeared. I wondered if we were still on for tonight after the way he had acted with me earlier. The streets were quiet as I wandered home; the soft wind blowing through my tangled hair. My phone dinged in my pocket.

I'd like to apologize about the way I took off with my sister earlier x This must be Harry.

Me: Its fine, really. We still on 4 tonight X

Harry: Of course. I don't see why we wouldn't be. Please come round for 7 o'clock x.

His language was extremely formal considering the occasion.

Me: Okay! :D x

Harry: Laters Beautiful x

Our conversation was short, but his last message made butterflies erupt in my shallow stomach. Then, I realized Candice is going to kill me.

Once I was home I met my mother in her usual spot in the kitchen. "Good evening mother."

"Good evening daughter," she mocks.

"Oh, don't make dinner for me tonight."

"And why not?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Because I have been invited to dinner with the new family that moved into Draco Manor." Her jaw dropped. "I will say the exact same thing I said to Jess when she reacted like this; close your mouth, mother, or you'll catch flies."

"Well that's good, I guess, but why did they invite you?" Ow that hurt.

"Because, according to Gracie, Harry has taken a particular interest in me," I smirked.

"I'm guessing that would be the twins."

"No mum it's the goldfish in our Bio class. Of course it's the twins."

"Well Candice won't be happy," she comments. "Does that mean wedding bells in the distant future?"

This time it was my turn for my mouth to fall open. "Close your mouth, daughter, or you'll catch flies," she mimicked.

"He's just a friend," I clearly state.

'Probably not for long' I vow I hear her say. "Oh yeah, friends," she says putting them in quotation marks.

"He has a crush mum!" But, of course, she gives me the 'Yea whatever look.' "And it's not me," I add quickly, even though he's perfect and purely gorgeous. His eyes just a color wheel changing as it spins making me melt and the curly hair that I bite my lip imagining myself running my fingers through.

"Earth to Mia," my mum snapped her finger in front of my face. "Stop thinking sinful thoughts about the poor boy."

The sudden rush of blood to my cheeks makes my face light up. "I...wasn't," I choke on my saliva.

"One must not tell lies." Great, now she was quoting Harry Potter.

She was right, though. What's happening to me? I'm going soft. "Mum, I think I just had my first love struck, teenage moment," I fake cried. Did I just lose the L word?!

"It's okay, dear. At least we know you have a heart," she came over and slung an arm over my shoulder in comfort.

"That was extremely uncalled for," I bit.

"Go get ready my love sick child and wear something nice. Not jeans!" She pushed me to get me out of her kitchen.


Well I told you it was this weekend but.......Meh I donno did like no school work just wrote in all my classes. This chapter is really long because I love you guys. I have already started the next chapter so that should be up in the next couple of days if you awesome people can get my to 700 reads and like 200 votes. Thank you guys so much. Also loads of you's are P.Ming me and I love it talking to you guys always makes my day so thanks. Anyway please don't be a ghost reader, please vote, comment and of course share!

~Edited 27/07/2015

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