"Ég er umkringdur hálfvitum" The heretic muttered, causing Finn to laugh and the other two Mikaelson's to look at the mate and brother in confusion.

"What did she say?" Klaus asked.

"Ég vona að ég sé ekki hluti af þeirri jöfnu, engill" Finn replied, making her look up at him with a lop sided grin.

"Auðvitað ekki, elskan mín. Ég meinti þessi tvö. Þeir eru mestu fávitarnir í þessu húsi" Sigyn cooed, making a dopey grin appear on the vampire's face. Elijah, who had just walked in at the same time she replied, chuckled at the confused looks on Kol and Klaus' faces.

"Elijah, tell us what they're saying" Kol whined, not liking that him and Klaus are the only one's who don't seem to understand the language.

"Þú ættir ekki að stríða þeim, elskan. Þú veist hvernig þeir geta fengið" Elijah smirked, making Sigyn snort.

"Segir sá sem bara svaraði á íslensku, í stað þess að svara bróður þínum á ensku" She snickered. Kol was now off Sigyn, and standing beside Klaus with a pout.

"Stop it! Stop speaking whatever gibberish you are speaking" Klaus huffed, stomping his foot like a child which caused his two older brothers and his mate to laugh at him.

"Það er synd að þeir kunni ekki að tala á sínu móðurmáli" Finn hummed, glancing at his brothers who glared back in response.

"Hef ég sagt þér hversu kynþokkafull þið tvö hljómið þegar þið töluð íslensku?" Sigyn questioned, looking at the two who smirked at her in return. These looks didn't go unnoticed, and the other two did not like it.

"Hey, you three better not be making plans to have a threesome! I have yet to have my turn" Kol glared. Sigyn raised her brows in amusement, before looking at the older Mikaelson's with a suggestive look.

"Nú er það hugmynd. Hvað finnst ykkur tveimur?" The blonde smirked. Elijah and Finn looked at each other with large smirks on their faces, but before anything could happen, Klaus quickly snatched Sigyn off of Finn's body and ran off with her in his arms. Turns out her had taken his room.

The hybrid had slammed his mate against the nearest wall, and held her wrists above her head.

"That wasn't very nice, little love" He growled. The Mikaelson brushed his lips along her jaw, placing a kiss just below her ear. Sigyn bit her lip to try and stop herself from moaning.

"I didn't do anything, Lítill Úlfur" She purred, giving him a cheeky grin.

"What does that mean?" He whispered softly.

"It means little wolf. Rather fitting, don't you think?" Klaus smiled, feeling his cheeks heat up slightly. The teasing mood now gone, and was now switched to a more sweeter mood.

"I love you" Sigyn suddenly said, making the hybrids eyes widen and his whole body tensed up.

"W-What did you say?" He breathed out, not believing what he had heard. He doesn't remember the last time anyone said that they loved him.

"Niklaus Mikaelson, I love you with every fibre of my being. Please believe that" She answered honestly, causing tears to appear in Klaus' blue eyes.

The man stood there for a few seconds, still somewhat stunned before a massive smile appeared on his face. He smashed his lips upon hers, love and passion pouring into it.

"I love you too, my love. So bloody much" He breathed out, his smile not going away.


After confessing their love for each other, the two spent their time in Klaus' room just cuddling each other. Which was quickly ruined by Kol, who was instantly thrown out of the room by his hybrid brother.

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