three // The Goddess of the Moon

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Ethan's POV:

"Ethan, hurry up!" I heard someone laugh.

Everything was white. Calm. Peaceful. Only the voice of a little girl was heard. "Come on, Ethan! We're almost there."

Suddenly, beneath my feet, ground started to appear, then the trees and the sky, like a painting slowly coming to life.

Farther away, between the trees of the forest, I saw the silhouette of a girl. She called again, "Ethan, come on. I'm waiting."

I felt like I knew her, she was once, in the past, a very dear person to me.


But yet, I didn't remember her.

She called once more, this time she sounded sadder. "Ethan... I'm sorry."

She cried.

I ran. I ran as fast as I could, but it seemed like I was stuck, because she continued to be farther and farther away.

"I'm sorry, Ethan." She cried again.

"Sorry for what?" I yelled, agonized that I couldn't be next to her for some reason.

She replied once more, "I have to go."

I yelled at the top of my lungs, "Wait!"


I sat up abruptly in my bed.

Cold water dripped from my head down to my torso. I looked at my right and saw Tom holding a bucket that used to be full of water, which was now on me. He stood frozen like a statue, petrified by the look on my face. His eyeballs almost popped out of his head and his skin was white as snow.

Tom usually acted on impulse, he didn't think, he would just do it. That's why I decided not to be too harsh on him.

"Three seconds. Run." I calmly told him and then he bolted out of the room with great speed. I started to count, "One... Two... Three."

I chased after Tom in anger, "YOU LITTLE PRICK!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs.

Tom was begging for forgiveness, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He cried aloud.

I cornered him in the kitchen, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOUR SORRY ASS, TOM!" I growled at him.

We ran around the kitchen like two kids for a while and when I was about to catch the idiot that was going to be my Gama, somebody yelled.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DUMBASSES DOING?" We both turned to the kitchen's entry where there stood Jessie, Tom's mate. "Are you two back at pre-school or what?" Tom and I lowered our heads.

Tom, Michael, Jessie and I have known each other since we wore diapers. Jessie was always the 'mother' of the group, she would scold us when we did something wrong and when we got hurt she was the first to help us. We were all good friends, best friends, so it was strange when Tom and Jessie found out they were mates. But they are actually good together. He's high on the clouds, but she brings him back down. There was good balance.

"So, is anyone going to tell me what the heck just happened or what?" Jessie's voice echoed through the room. She flipped away her short dark red hair as she looked sternly at the both of us.

I looked at Tom and wrinkled my brows in anger, "Your mate," I spat out, "decided to wake me up with a bucket of ice cold water!"

Tom clenched his fists and stood up for himself, "I didn't know it was that cold, okay?" He crossed his arms. "Your mother let me in and as I was climbing up the stairs I heard you shouting. I tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't."

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