Random Encounter

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Dabi had been following the cute civilian for a while now. He was able to gather some information.
Fact one: The guy was legal. Huge bonus.
Fact two: His hands were extremely fucking dangerous.
Fact Three: He had a corgi that was almost as cute as him

Dabi followed him on his normal walk to get iced coffee, the damn twink. That was fine. He liked twinks. He liked twinks a lot.

He'd order the same thing every day and sit at the same table. Cute little creature of comfort with a perfectly smackable ass.

Dabi watched him sip his coffee. A smirk tugged at his lips, he walked a bit closer. Maybe he'd approach him. Maybe he'd just get a bit more information for his fantasies.

"Do you have a fucking problem?" He turned his head toward him.

Feisty too? Oh he had to have him.

"Me?" He asked, feigning innocence.

"Yeah, you. I can practically feel your eyes boring into the back of my skull"

Well might as well. "Couldn't keep my eyes off ya. Hope you didn't mind"

The younger man glared at him. "Yeah. Hope you liked your free entertainment but I'm not a goddamn zoo exhibit." He picked up his coffee, starting to walk out the door.

"Prettiest little creature I've ever seen" Dabi said, a smirk tugging at his stapled lips. He took a great deal of satisfaction watching the pale man's cheeks flush red.

He looked away. "Maybe before you got a closer look." He mumbled.

"You inviting me to get closer, pretty boy?" He brushed the mop of pale hair out of the other man's face, watching him flush even redder.

He knew about the scars, and the dermatologist prescribed skin care routine but just being this close to the man's chapped lips made his cock stir in his pants.

"I-" So innocent. He really was adorable. Dabi wondered absent-mindedly what he'd look like bouncing on his cock. Would he scream or whimper? Would he cry? God Dabi hoped he'd cry.

"I guess..." He said quietly after a while.

Dabi wasted no time moving closer, lips inches away from his. "Just like I said. You're a pretty little thing. Aren't you?"

"I have to go-" He started to say. Poor thing must not be used to all the attention.

"Where's a pretty boy like you headed?" He knew his schedule, of course. He only took night classes.

"I was just heading home-"

"Before you go, can I get your name" He asked, making sure to move ever so closer.

He looked even redder, eyes darting between Dabi's lips, his piercing blue eyes, and the nearest door.

"Tenko." He finally spoke. "Tenko Shimura."

"Tenko Shimura huh?" He liked the way it felt on his lips. "Well pretty boy. You can call me Dabi. Or Daddy whatever you prefer."

Tenko flushed even redder. He clearly liked all this attention but Dabi couldn't see a bulge. Maybe his cock was just fucking tiny. Might be fun to step on. "D-Dabi's fine" He managed to stammer out.

"Can I get your number too, then?" He was pushing a boundary but he was confident he'd have the younger man in his bed soon enough.

"I- I don't normally give out my number" He looked at the door again.

"I just wanna get to know you more, pretty boy." He tucked a hair behind his ear.

He relented, giving the other man his discord tag.

"Can't wait to start talking to ya, Tenko" he watched the man and his perfect ass walk away. God he was even more perfect than he thought.

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