Chapter 5: Guilt is a Mother****er

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Sasuke closed the door behind him as he exited Naruto's apartment, and headed toward his house. He made his way around the corner, unfortunately, he was spotted by the group of girls that were at the bar, minus the one that Sasuke had scolded. That particular girl went home to cry.

They seemed to be drunk, wobbling around with bottles in their hands.

"Oh my gaaawd! Sasukeeeee! Come overrrrr heree!!!" One of them exclaimed. Sasuke cringed at her words, and quickly jumped on top of a nearby house. He ran along the rooftops of the Hidden Leaf buildings, with the girls lagging behind. Thankfully, their drunken state caused them to lose their footings, and they couldn't keep up.

Sasuke had arrived at his door. He reached to his pocket for his keys, but found nothing. He scowled, realizing he had forgotten to grab his keys from the table at Naruto's apartment. He couldn't go back empty handed. He looked around himself, searching for a physical solution. His thought process was then halted by a familiar voice inside his home.

He knew it was him. He was calling for Sasuke, over and over on the radio. The stress of finding a way inside, grew. Sasuke desperately scanned the ground, for a nail or paperclip, something he could pick his own lock with. His advanced hearing made it worse, for now he could hear what Naruto was saying more clearly.

"Please come back..i..c-can't.. please...can't.." Naruto stuttered. Sasuke heard him sniffle. He knew now.

Naruto was crying.

Sasuke ignored his better judgement and kicked in his own door. He dashed to the shelf in the corner grabbed his large blanket and radio, and ran back out. He didn't even close the door behind him. He didn't care if he was robbed. He needed to get back to Naruto. He felt a compelling voice in his mind, commanding him to ran as fast as he possibly could.

"I'm coming back. I'm almost there," Sasuke's voice quivered, he focused more on moving than talking. He had started leaving dents in people's roofs, where he foot kicked off onto the next. He didn't care. He'd pay those people back later if it was needed.

He finally got back to Naruto's apartment, and Sasuke wasted no time. He busted in like he had before, but this time with more aggression. He kicked the door shut and leaped to Naruto on the futon. The fire had gone out. How long was Sasuke gone for? He couldn't have been gone from more than 15 minutes. He wrapped himself in the blanket and re-lit the fire.

He laid on Naruto's shivering body, covering all of him under the blanket with him. Their legs tangled, and Sasuke made sure to lay slightly to the side, as to not completely suffocate him.

He rubbed Naruto's sides with his hands. He looked to Naruto's face, and saw two clear-cut tear streaks, running down his cheeks and neck. Sasuke started to breath heavily onto Naruto's neck, continuing to rub his waist and legs. Naruto's shivering never ceased as his panting became more rapid.

Sasuke's teeth started chattering. Naruto wasn't physically responding like before. Was he angry? Did Sasuke take too long? Was he still upset about Sasuke accidentally smothering him? His own eyes started watering. Did he fuck up?

Sasuke felt delicate fingers at his hip. He twitched at the cold. Naruto's fingers traveled under Sasuke's shirt, and up his back. His fingers then dug into his skin, his nails creating indentations. Sasuke winced, but he allowed Naruto to do this. He felt a small line of blood trickle down his back, but he did nothing to stop it.

Sasuke bent his body downward. Now, Naruto's legs were spread at Sasuke's sides, their bodies pressed against each other once again. Sasuke got on his knees over him, and began rubbing the blond's thighs with his hands.

Sasuke wanted to erase the tears from Naruto's face. He felt responsible, and hated staring at the reminder of his mistake. He used one finger to slightly pull down on the shirt he gave Naruto. To this, Naruto turn his head to the left, causing his collarbone to protrude more. Sasuke sighed, opening his mouth. Naruto's shivering had died down, only for it to escalate anew when Sasuke kissed his collarbone. He had started at the base of the tear streak on the right of Naruto's face, traveling up, sucking up the salty water on his skin.

Sasuke reached Naruto's jaw, where a small droplet of tears had accumulated. He opened his mouth further, his teeth unhinging. He scraped the droplet with his bottom teeth, letting it fall into his mouth. He then encased the remaining skin in his lips, softly licking at the salt that persisted to remain.

By this time, Sasuke and Naruto had began groping each other with their groins for a third time. Naruto dug his nails in more, forcing Sasuke to buck his hips as reflex.

Sasuke kept repeating the same two sentences in his mind.

'This is helping him warm up. This is making him feel better.'

'This is helping him warm up. This is making him feel better.'

He kept going with this in mind. However, Naruto was reaching his own conclusion. The grinding of their hips, their positions, how Sasuke attached his lips to Naruto's neck, he felt overwhelmed. His hands trembled. Sasuke raised one hand and turn Naruto's head to the other side, and he gazed at the mirrored tear mark. He placed his hand on the ground, close to Naruto's ear. His tongue slithered out of his mouth, licked the tear streak, and traveled up Naruto's neck. It was in this moment that Naruto's voice went off on it's own. He had done the one thing that changed the scene of this engagement. He moaned.

"awhhg..!" He gasped. Sasuke stopped everything. That sound was beautiful, but this was no longer just Sasuke warming Naruto's body up as a result of his sickness. This was something more. This was wrong. Two guys doing this, especially when they're supposed to be rivals. He had to stop. The muscle between his legs ached to continue, but his mind told him that he needed to allow Naruto to sleep.

Naruto was sick. He wasn't in his right mind. Sasuke was getting off on this. He shouldn't be using Naruto's sickness to satisfy himself. He rolled off of Naruto and laid next to him. He held Naruto's side, continuing to serve as his heater. Naruto had already passed out as a result of the act. Sasuke thought of the conversation they'd have in the morning, and the eventual call of Tsunade, to find out what was wrong with him.

He closed his eyes, and fell into slumber.

End of Chapter 5.


Oh dearie me. dumb boys being dumb

total of 1132 words?? go me! X3X

im sure you've noticed that im running around the words p*nis and d*ck. thats because i never quite felt that they fell easily into a smut fic like this. so im sorry if you enjoy that sort of thing, but i will not be using those words in narration! however... dialogue is fair game >:]

please don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter! (it gives me motivation to continue)

also please share your thoughts in the comments! it would really help :)

thank you!

<3 sugarski


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