Chapter 4: Special Medicine (Continued)

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"Turn..turn me.."

Sasuke gulped, but did exactly what was asked. He reached his arm under Naruto's legs and rotated him; Naruto's back faced the fire and their chest's were pushed together. Naruto mustered up a small bit of strength, and as Sasuke sorted out the placement of his legs, he pulls his hands up to Sasuke's chest. Sasuke jumped, this startled him. He watched as Naruto nuzzled his head into Sasuke's shoulder, and his hands glided across his chest to his upper arm. He clutched at Sasuke here, while the Uchiha debated what to do with his own hands.

In this moment, Naruto was once again in Sasuke's lap, and his legs came up and over Sasuke's legs, laid at his side, his knees bent and the soles of his feet on the floor. With this in mind, Sasuke placed his hands on Naruto's thighs, starting with light circles with his thumb.

After a few moments of this, Naruto's grip on Sasuke's upper arms tightened. Sasuke then responded to start gliding his hands up and down Naruto's legs, taking into account that the only thing that Naruto was wearing on his lower body was his boxers. Occasionally, he would let his thumb brush the cloth at the bottom of Naruto's underwear.

Naruto panted loudly. Sasuke could tell that Naruto liked this, he was leaning into every touch, almost begging for it. Everything was going steady, but it all escaladed within a second. Sasuke rubbed his finger on Naruto's inner thigh, causing Naruto to gasp sharply.

Sasuke's eyes widened. He did it again, and this time, Naruto responded with what he was doing before. He started arching his back again, with every little breath. Sasuke grunted, almost frustrated. He moved his hands to Naruto's waist once again, and followed his lead. They were both rhythmically grinding on each other. Sasuke felt Naruto's hot breath on his neck, and it was then that he felt how cold Naruto's neck was. He didn't have anything free to warm it up, other than his mouth.

I mean, it was right there. It would warm him up, wouldn't it? Sasuke wasn't doing anything wrong, Naruto was the one that started this. So why can't Sasuke use his mouth here. It would help him, right?

Sasuke battled with himself in his mind, unaware that he had begun breathing heavier. Naruto felt a rush of heat against his neck, being Sasuke's breath, and it felt good. Really good. He let go of one of Sasuke's arms and placed his hand on the back of Sasuke's head. Sasuke was dumbstruck.

"Naruto?" He spoke. "..warm," Naruto replied.

Sasuke had enough confirmation. He opened his mouth, his tongue raising, and placed his lips on Naruto's neck. He began stroking Naruto's neck with his mouth, while still holding Naruto's waist with both hands. "hah..warm.." Naruto whispered again, his fingers digging into Sasuke's hair. Sasuke sighed sensually, his tongue began creeping out of his mouth and onto Naruto's skin.

With the combination of the warm and wet, as well as the tingling sensation he felt, Naruto couldn't stay quiet. He breathed more vocally, right into Sasuke's ear. Gasping and groaning, clutching at Sasuke's hair, Naruto didn't want it to end. Sasuke didn't either, he made a sloppy mess of Naruto's neck. Once he had warmed up one side, he took one hand and placed it on the side of Naruto's head. Sasuke tilted his head upward with his thumb, and moved to the center on Naruto's neck. He remembered the café, how profound the lump in Naruto's throat was. He opened his mouth wider, taking it all between his lips. Naruto then let out a loud gasp, vibrating Sasuke's mouth with his vocal cords. Naruto shivered, but not because he was cold.

Sasuke licked softly, claiming every inch of his neck with his spit. He went a bit too far, sucking on one part of Naruto's neck. Naruto felt a jolt in his body, arching his back even more than before. Sasuke had now moved to the other side of Naruto's neck, and returned his hand to his waist.

Sasuke started forcibly moving Naruto's waist against him, both of their crotches rubbing against each other, his mouth not leaving Naruto's neck.

They both clutched each other, until Naruto spoke.

"..can't." He muttered between gasps. Sasuke slowed down.

"Can't what?" Sasuke asked.

"...breathe..." He choked out.

It was then that Sasuke realized he was squeezing Naruto's stomach between his hands, to the point where Naruto could barely breathe. Sasuke immediately pushed Naruto off of him, and allowed him room to draw breath.

"I didn't mean to." Sasuke felt a disgusting pit in his stomach. He felt guilt for not seeing that he was hurting him.

Naruto then inhaled and exhaled multiple times, before reverting to his shivering state. It was late, Sasuke came down from his adrenaline rush and felt the tiredness hiding behind it. He knew Naruto probably needed sleep above all else. He pushed Naruto closer to the fire, and got up. He got the futon that was under Naruto's bed and dragged it over by the fire.

Sasuke picked up the shivering Naruto and placed him on the bedside closest to the fireplace. He looked around the room for a blanket big enough for the both of them, but found nothing. He scoffed.

"You can't afford a decent blanket?" He spat. Naruto shurgged.

"mmm...can't use the fan g-girls give me." Naruto mocked. Sasuke glared at him. Naruto shuddered back.

"You seem fine now." Sasuke replied.

"...ugh.. enough to talk I guess... you're the assh-hole that was ch-choking me." Naruto stated.

Sasuke felt the guilt in his chest growing.

"I'll go get the blanket from my house. I'll be right back." He grabbed a random shirt from Naruto's closet to put on while he went on his errand. Nothing in here was even close to anything Sasuke would wear on his body. Finally he found a solid black shirt, and he threw it on. He turned around and saw Naruto's radio on the floor. He took it and gave it to him.

"When I get there, you can talk to me." Naruto took the radio from him and held it in his arms.

Sasuke went to the door and opened it, but before he left, he heard Naruto say one last thing.

"Please hurry." Sasuke paused, and looked back at Naruto. He was gripping the radio with one hand and clutching at Sasuke's shirt with the other. He gave Naruto a stiff nod, before exiting and closing the door behind him.

End of Chapter 4


My oh my.... a lot has occured with these two o0o0o0o0o....

Don't worry though, it's not over yet ;)

a total of 1098 words, lovelys :3

<3 sugarski


Sick of You (narusasu)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon