The end😩

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Dthang pov

"Why my baby not calling meee"I said while dragging your hands across my face

"Nigga miss his girlll"Bando said while recording me as he laughed

"Bandooo I miss my wife"I said while I tried calling her

"Where kenzo?"Tdot asked while coming in the house

"Where Vetra!?"I screamed making them look at me crazy

"CALL HER NIGGA"Bando said making a duh face

"I TRIED NIG-AH"I said making him roll his eyes

Not even 6 seconds later dthang was whining about Vetra

"OK OK IM FUCKING DONE"tdot yelled while walking the living room.

"Nigga what's her number so I can call her for you"Bando said as kenzo walked in the house

"KENNYYYYY GET THAT NIGGA"Tdot yelled making kenzo smile at dthang

"What happened besty"She asked while siting in his lap

Bando scrunched is face up as he looked confused

"Yo ken what you doing"I asked while pushing her off my lap softly

"Trying to see what's wrong with my BEST FRIEND IS THAT A PROBLEM"she yelled making me grill her

Ominous POV

"Come upstairs so it wouldn't be an eco"Bando said making  dthang run to his room

"This nigga"Bando whispered to himself

Bando looked at Vetra number.Dthang waited very impatiently


"NIGGA JUST DIAL THE NUMBER DAM-NEVER MIND ILL DO IT FOR YOU"Daniel screamed making Bando smile *😀*

"Fuckk you smiling at here call"Daniel said

*riiingggg* *ringgggggg*

"Hello?"Vetra answered

"Uh is this Vetra"Bando asked

"Depends on the situation.May I ask who this is"Vetra said kindly as music played lowly in the background

"Uhhhhh"Bando said than muted the phone

"Nigga what I say?"Bando said

"Ion know"Dainel said confused

"Why you and dthang broke up"Bando asked

"Doop doop doop*

"Damnnnn she banged it on yo ass"Tdot said while shaking his head than exited the room
They both went down stairs and looked on the couch

Kenzo had a tears rolling down her face making Bando scratch his head

"Yo why she crying"Bando asked as they went in the kitchen

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