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📍Dthang house

Y'all listen to the song as y'all read this chapter 😖

Vetra opened the door as she walks in to this cold dark house.

Vetra goes up to daniels room and opened the door.

"Bae-"Vetra said but stoped as she saw Daniel sleep

Vetra carefully went downstairs and went into the kitchen but a small slim thick figure was in the fridge

"Kenzo?"Vetra said

Kenzo turned around and rolled her eyes

"Listen here Vetra"Kenzo said and Vetra got confused

"Me and d are in a relationship.He wanted to break up with you when you came in the door but he didn't get a chance since I put him to sleep"Kenzo said making Vetra take a step back

"Why you lying"Vetra asked

"I'm not lying coke head bitch.He doesn't want you sis.He wants me,The one and only kenzo b.Go home to your abusive family hoe and die slowly.And I'll make sure dainel won't care"kenzo said

Vetra had tears rolling down her face.her hands shook violently as she shook her head

"You can go now your stuff is in the garage"

Vetra stared at kenzo then walked to the garage

She called a Uber and made her way to her moms house

"VETRAAA"Aria screamed as she hugged her

Vetra had tears running down her face as she felt guilty

What did she do to make him break up with her?

"We got company in the living room"Zayn said

Vetra went up to her room and into her bathroom and almost immediately got in the shower

She had mascara running down her face,eye shadow smudged

Vetra got out the shower and saw her makeup and hair things out on her vanity

She saw a razor and hesitated to do something she knew she left in the past.

Vetra knew after she was gonna do it,it was gonna be addictive like the old days.

"Fuck it"Vetra said as she tightened the towel around her body

She grabbed the razor and sat on the floor.

She closed her eyes and took a breath in

She hummed as she felt the sharpness cutting through her Carmel skin

She sobbed as she looked at arm.Vetra cut her arm in different spots making blood come down her arm

"VETRA NO"Zara screamed as she snatched the razor from her

"NO NO WHY DID HE LEAVE ME"Vetra broke down

"Vetra"Rita cried

"What's wrong"Zayn said as he came in her bedroom

"Zayn stay downstairs"Rita screamed as she panicked

"Oh my gosh your arms"Zara said as she wiped them with warm water

"How is he gonna leave me like this Rita"Vetra sobbed as she tried to move her sister hand

1 hour later

Vetra stared at her hot pink walls thinking about him.and only him

"Vetra"Zara knocked on her door

Vetra didn't answer but looked at the door tiredly

"How you feeling baby"Zara said as she climbed on her bed

Instead of replying she just sat there and let tears fall down her face.

Zara pulled her into her chest and comfort her.

"I'm tired Zara I'm tired"Vetra sobbed as she hugged her sister

"Sh sh I know I know"Zara said as she rocked them side to side

Someone knocked on the door and revealed her older brother Adam

"Hey princess"Adam said as he walked towards the bed

Vetra smiled weakly

"How you been"They  asked at the same time

"I'm tired"She answered

3 hours later
It was now dark outside and everybody went to sleep in the guest room or in the living room

Vetra got up from her bed and knocked on aria door

"Come in"Aria said as she paused her music and stopped drawing.

"Can I sleep in here?"Vetra said and Aria smiled

"Of course"Aria said making Vetra close her door and get on her bed.

Vetra watched Aria draw on her vanity stand

Vetra softly closed her eyes and thought about her and Daniel

Why would he hurt me like this

What the hell did I do

He broke my heart and didn't give a shit about it

She felt the bed dip

And she felt her sister kiss her cheek

"I love you Vetra"Aria said making Vetra eyes tear

Vetra pulled her sister in a hug

"Can I sleep in here with you guys" Akira said making the 2 sisters nod

"Nightly night"Akira said

"AND I WILLLLL ALWAYSSSS LOVEE YOUUU AND I"Akira screamed making Vetra and Aria bust out laughing

"Nah I'm playing.I love y'all Goodnight"Akira said

The 2 little ones went to sleep leaving Vetra up in her thoughts


"I'll never leave you Vetra"Daniel said making Vetra smile

"Really even if I do something really bad?"She asked

And he laughed

"Even if you did something bad bae ma"He said

Flashback over

Vetra sobbed softly

"It's gonna be ok v just breath"Akira said

"O-ok"Vetra said

Her two sisters pulled her in a hug

"Do you want me to put something on so you can go to sleep"Aria said making Vetra nod

"Put a scary movie on to take her mind off it"Akira said

Aria put on Texas chainsaw and they all fell asleep

Rita and Zara went in the room and went to sleep on the floor with big furry blankets.

Y'all I've been having writers block so bare with me💋

Poison-DTHANGOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora