"Aria. I'm Leo." I slowly said to her. 

"No." She instantly shot down. "My Leo is soooo pretty."  

I didn't know whether to be offended or happy.  Either way she was severely contradicting herself. 

And since when was I hers? 

I guess I'd let her make that mistake for now. Seeing as she was drunk and all. I guess it could be forgiven. Though when she was sober I'd have to clear this all up. 

"Ok." I sighed out. Accepting defeat. "Why do you not want Leo here?" 

It felt weird to talk about myself in 3rd person. 

"He is such a bitch!" She cried out. 

I just stared at her "Oh really?" I asked. 

"Yeah, and you- you are going to be my human shield if he tries to kill- kill me." She managed to get out. 

I nodded. At this point I had forgotten the concepts of Logic. "Right. And why Is Albert here?" 

"He-" She paused. 

She looked at Albert carefully for a whole moment before shrugging her shoulders. 

"For fun?" She suggested to me as if I knew exactly what was going on in her brain. 

"Albert, You may leave." I sighed out. 

It did not take him long to scurry out of the room. God knows what torture Aria must have forced him through for him to take of so quick. 

"You. Check the coast." She pointed a finger at me  

"For Leo?" I almost laughed. 

"Yes. QUICKLY." She ordered. 

The best thing I could do right now was entertain her until I bought her to her room. Until she went on a little run around the house trying to avoid 'Leo'. 

I went and peeked out the door for a moment. Pretending to observe carefully until I finally gave up. One I turned back to her to announce that the coast was clear, I saw her taking a large swig out of a bottle that I swear I hadn't seen a minuet ago. 

If there was one thing that she needed right now except from a mental asylum, it certainly was not more Alcohol. 

"Coast is clear." I reported back. 

"YAYY" She cheered. 

As soon as she placed the bottle down and made her zig zagged way too the door I swiped the bottle and screwed the lid on and hit it underneath one of the large creme sofas. She would never find it again. 

This proved to be a bad idea though, as I was doing this Aria had gone and walked into the door and bumped her head. 

So obviously as any person would do, she decided to initiate a fight with the door. 

"YEAH FIGHT ME. GO ON. I DARE YOU." She taunted at the door. "YOU FLAT BITCH." 

I moved over to her and let out a sigh. Standing behind her I reached out and pushed the door to the side. 


Then. Then she turned around. Walking straight into my chest. 

"Owww." She groaned. 

I find it more concerning how she didn't even react in pain when she walked into a door yet when she walked into me she decided to cry out in pain. 

"You." She hissed. 

"The coast is clear. We should go now." Was all I said. 

She sniffled. "But I cant walk-" 

I looked down at her. What the hell was she on about. 

"You h-hit me." She accused. 

I raised my eyebrows. "When?"

"Now. Just now. You hit meeeee." She wailed. 

I placed a hand on my head. Wishing I could just stop my life. 

"Fine. I hit you. I apologise." I gritted out. 

"Carry me." She stopped her fake tears and smiled. 

"No." I instantly replied. 






She looked at me triumphantly. Afterall, everyone knew that no one could top an infinite yes. 


So that was how I ended up carrying Aria Einfield. 

We were currently on the stairs as 2 minuets before Aria had tried to rip my hair out and I had to try and convince her that I wasn't in fact wearing a wig but this was my natural hair. 

"So why are you hiding from Leo." Curiosity got the better of me. 

"Leo is very mean. I hate Leo. He is annoying." She indignantly said. "His brother said that Leo wanted to kill me!" 

I scrunched my face. Kill her? Though it was tempting, I had never seriously said so to anyone. 

"Who? Which brother." I corrected myself. 

"The city one." Aria nuzzled her face into my shoulder. 

I almost let go of her in shock. I had to regain my composure. Quickly. The electric like feeling that was buzzing in my veins had to be stopped. 

"Paris?" I breathed out. It took me a moment to figure out what she meant by 'the city one'. 

"Mhm." She murmured. 

"Paris told you that I- Leo was going to kill you?" I blinked. 

"LET ME DOWN." She randomly started shouting. 

I obliged. I let her down right as we reached the top of the stairs. She wasted no time as in minuet she zoomed of down the hallway that led to her room I sighed in relief. At least she was getting to her room now. 

I walked down the hallway and walked towards my room. Hands in my pocket. 

I turned to walk inside my room. 

I paused. 

Why was my room door wide open? 

Looking directly in front of me I saw the culprit. 

Spraying my cologne all over the room and on herself. She had ripped the bedsheets of the bed onto the floor and was trampling all over them. 

I didn't have the energy to protest. She was just a demon. I had to accept that. 

I just stood in the doorway watching despair. She continued her vandalism. Right in front of my eyes. 

Then finally after she had tipped my side table over she turned and looked at me. She had the nerve to hiccup at me. 

Then she smiled. So damn sweetly. 

And in that exact moment she was forgiven.


Then she flung my Versace glass bottle of cologne onto the floor. 

All while smiling at me. 

It might as well have been me who created that mess because the way I was convincing myself that non of this was her fault, was crazy. 

Or perhaps I'm the insane one.

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