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(this is set in the next day)

{7:00 pm}

*knock* *knock* "Come in!" Harumi called from inside her room. "Hey" Lloyd said, peeking his head in. "Lloyd, you can come in," Harumi laughed. Lloyd walked in and sat down next to her. "So, I was wondering if, umm.. you wanted to watch something in my room?" "Of course Lloyd!" They walk to his room and he makes sure the coast is clear before they walk in. He knows that his friends will tease him. They lay on his bed together, Harumi lays her head on his shoulder. She's trying to keep her eyes open, her eyelids are getting heavy. She didn't realize it but she fell asleep on Lloyd. He turned off the TV and moved him and her so that they were laying down inside of sitting. Her head was in the crook of his neck, and he put his arm around her waist, holding her close.

"Hey guys i wonder why Lloyd isn't up, i'm going to go check on him." Kai walks up to Lloyds room, he gasps as he peeked through the window in the door. "GUYS YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS" Kai yelled running into the game room where everyone else was. The whole group went to Lloyds room. Everyone was taking photos and videos. Harumi shifted and the group ran off not wanting to be seen.

"Mmm" Harumi shifted laying on her side now, she put her head in the crook of his neck by his shoulder, and her arm across his body. She opened her eyes to look at him, he was still asleep, his blonde locks were a mess. and he was relaxed. "Lloyd?" Harumi whispered into his ear. "Yeah? what's up?" He asked, still half asleep. "Oh, nothing, I just like the sound of your voice in the morning when you're tired." He smiled at this and turned to face her. He loved her smile, and her silky white hair. He ran his fingers through her hair. "Hm, I love you Rumi" "And i love you more." Harumi countered "I don't think that's possible" Lloyd said putting his forehead to hers. "Hm, hm i don't think so" Harumi told Lloyd, getting closer so that their lips were almost touching. "Harumi, i find it h-" Lloyd was cut off by Harumi kissing him. She played with his hair the whole time. "Rumi, what time is it?" "It is..... Shoot!" "what?" "It's 8 in the morning!" "Oh, shoot!" Lloyd yelled practically jumping out of bed.

They left the room one after another. and headed to the kitchen. Lloyd was overly flustered but was trying not to show it. He entered the room, then Harumi did. Everyone was looking at their phones laughing. "What's so funny?" Harumi asked. Pixal motioned for her to come over. Harumi gasped at what she saw then hit each of the ninja over the head. (just the boys) Lloyd then walked over and did the same when he saw the photos. The ninja had taken photos of Lloyd and Harumi asleep. "What is wrong with you guys?!?" Lloyd yelled at his friends. "Hey, you two are so cute, how could we not?" Coke said in his defense. the others just agreed. "Geez'' Lloyd mumbled to himself.

"Ok, ninja time to train!" Master Wu's voice came from behind them. "Harumi, I would like for you to join us." Wu said. Harumi nodded her head and went to get dressed for training. the ninja had. a long series of questions for Lloyd and Harumi during training. The couple just ignored them.

Misako, and Garmadon decided to come for a visit as they were now on good terms. Training had finally finished. "Mom! Dad!" Lloyd called running over to his parents giving them a hug. "Hey Lloyd!" they said in unison. The parents saw Harumi who just shyly waved and walked past them to her room. "Wha- umm.. Lloyd?" Lloyd had to explain to his parents everything from the past few weeks about Harumi. "But don't worry she's with us now!" Lloyd concluded. Garmadon gave Lloyd a 'look' and Lloyd rolled his eyes and went to find Harumi.

"Rumi?" he got no answer from her room. "Can I come in?" He still got no answer. He opened the door to see Harumi laying on her bed. She was obviously upset by something. "Rumi, I can't help if you don't tell me what's going on." "Do you want to go to the canals tonight? get dinner, walk around, and tell me what's going on?" Harumi rolled over and looked at Lloyd, and nodded her head. "Yes, that sounds nice." Harumi commented on Lloyds idea. "Oh, Rumi, you never have taught me how to dance," Lloyd said, trying to lift her spirits. She got out of her bed, and walked over to him. "Ok, it goes like this." She led and he followed along. Eventually he got his hands around her waist and, one of her hands was around his neck the other was holding his hand. She had her head on his shoulder and the music from her music player faded. Lloyd swooped down fast to kiss her. She was surprised at first but kissed him back. both of his hands were wrapped around her waist, her arms wrapped around his neck. They kept dancing. "Ehem" They heard from behind them. it was Garmadon clearing his throat. they stopped kissing but Lloyd kept one of his arms around her waist. His mom was also there.

His parents are both smirking. "So... when did this happen!" Misako asked. Lloyd ignored the question, grabbed Rumi's hand and led her out of his room. He didn't exactly want to be lectured in love. As they were walking Misako slipped a note into Harumi's hand, the note said. Living room: 12:00. "can't we ever just have one uninterrupted or un-photographed moment?" Lloyd thought to himself. "Well" Lloyd started. "Are we still on for tonight?" Harumi asked. "Of course we are!" Lloyd laughed. they parted, they had to sneak out since the ninja and Lloyd parents would ask questions. Harumi went to the living room to meet Misako. "What did you need to talk to me about?" Harumi asked Misako, who was sitting across from her. "You and Lloyd." "Of course," Harumi groaned. "What do you need to know?" "Well a mother needs to know, do you really like him?" "YES!, gosh i love him!" Harumi exclaimed. "Ok, If i asked him would he say you are good to him?" "Most likely." Harumi said still unsure about this whole meeting. Misako got up and left to go find Lloyd. "Lloyd!" Lloyd turned around to see his mother. "What's wrong?!" "Lloyd, I want to know is Harumi good to you? Does she help you?" Lloyd was annoyed by her questions but answered them anyway. "Mom, she is better than good to me, I love her more than I can count." "Well, I guess that settles it. You and Harumi van continue dating." Misako says, turning to leave. Lloyd was silently celebrating.

This one was kinda long. :)

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