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{4:12 am}

All Harumi can see is a dark void with a door, she walks over to the door and opens it. When she opened it she saw her and Lloyd laughing and talking, he hugged her then all the sudden he started to disappear right in her arms.

Harumi shot up in bed, and was breathing heavily. "Rumi?" "Rumi!?" Lloyd said getting more worried he sat up and saw her panting and frozen. He put his hand on her shoulder, carefully trying not to scare her. Once she felt his hand she threw her body into his, enveloping him a hug. "It's ok, I'm here," Lloyd whispered, rubbing her back. He adjusted them and sat against the bed frame. "Do you want to talk?" "You.. Y-You" Harumi said sobbed she couldn't get it all out. "I what?" "You disappeared right in my arms!" Harumi yelled, grabbing his gi pulling herself closer. "Harumi, I would never do that," He raised her face to look at his. Her face was tear stained, she looked terrified. Lloyd pulled her close again and rubbed her back whispering. "I love you" over and over. making sure she knew he was there. she calmed down more and looked into his kind caring eyes. She raised herself slightly to kiss him, Running her hands through his blonde hair. It was a short but sweet and passionate kiss. She smiled at him and he smiled back. She laid her head back on his chest and went back to sleep.

{8:00 am}

Harumi woke up on Lloyds chest. She got off Lloyd and went to the kitchen. Lloyd woke up and didn't see Harumi. We left the room and went out, he saw her and walked up behind her. She felt someone's hands snaking around her waist. She spun herself around to face Lloyd, she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I really want to kiss you, is that ok?" Lloyd asked. Harumi threw her head back a little, laughing. "Lloyd, you don't need permission," Harumi said, pecking his lips. "But, we tell no one about this," he said. "You got it." Harumi started to play with his messy blonde hair. *Beep* *Beep* went to the tracker. Harumi had fixed it earlier. Lloyd talked over the com. "Hey, guys we got the tracker fixed. I'm sending the location of my motorcycle!"

{11:47 am}

His motorcycle arrived with a note on it telling his friends location. "Rumi, let's get the heck out of here!" "Coming!" Lloyd offered his hand and a helmet to her as they hopped on and rode to his friends.

Heh, sorry this ones short! But i still hope you liked it. :)

Lloyd and Harumi after CrystalizedWhere stories live. Discover now