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{2:45 pm}

Lloyd and Harumi made it safely to the bounty which the other ninja had finished building. the second they got onto the bounty Nya grabbed Harumi's wrist and dragged her into Nyas room. "Tell me everything!" "Ok, it's a long story so i would suggest getting comfortable, and do you promise not to tell anyone?" Harumi asked. Nya nodded her head in agreement.

"Soooo?" The boys crowded around Lloyd. "So, what?" Lloyd had no idea about the story. "Rumi didn't tell you?" Kai asked "Ask me what?" "Wait, you don't know?" Kai inquired. "Don't, Don't know what???" Lloyd asked, slightly agitated. "Pix!, you have a long story to tell" Zane told his girlfriend. "Ok, so,"

"OH MY FIRST SPINJITSU MASTER!! Harumi that's so cuteeee!!" Harumi covered Nyas mouth. "Geez, Nya volume?" "Yeah, sorry. But that's so cute!" "I know, he's just perfect!" Harumi signed zoning out slightly and rambling "His sweet kinda eyes, his comforting voice and embrace, how he'll do anything for me to keep me safe, when his hair is a mess in the morning, ugh i love it all" Harumi sighed. what she didn't know was that Lloyd was in the doorway listening to all of this. "Is that really how you feel?" Harumi's face was red as a tomato. Nya got up and left giggling. "Uhh... m-mm. well-" "Rumi, come here." Lloyd grabbed her hand and they walked to his room. He closed the door, made sure the coast was clear. "Rumi" "Lloyd" "Was everything you said true?" Lloyd asked. "Y-Yeah" Harumi whispered, hanging her head. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I-I just, I wasn't sure you felt the same. especially after everything I've done." Lloyd walked over to her and hugged her. "Rumi, when i went to the Never Realm, and when i met Akita i could have stayed with her. But I didn't, because I always have and always will love you and only you." "Oh, Lloyd!" Harumi cried in joy. "I love you too!" Harumi whispered into his chest. 

Anddddd, another. short one. My next one is def longer

Lloyd and Harumi after CrystalizedWhere stories live. Discover now