Chapter 23: Hurricane

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After a strenuous ride with one quick stop for gas and restrooms, Tem and Sarah arrived on the outskirts of Corpus Christi to find the storm already brewing. Rain was falling sideways from dark clouds overhead and small bits of debris torn from trees littered the ground.

Sarah watched in awe as a branch from a palm tree floated slowly through the air, almost entirely horizontal. The streets were dark and mostly empty, with a few stray pedestrians in rain gear moving in slow motion.

Tem stopped the motorcycle near the beach, holding tight to Sarah's hand as she climbed off the back. "This is where we part. Now, listen here. No matter how tempted you are, you stay away from that dock," she warned. "It's a death trap. There's a buildin' up the road with some condos. When that storm surge comes in, if you can't stop it quick, you get to higher ground. Get to those condos, and ride it out off the ground floor and away from the windows. Don't go up to the top, either, in case the roof caves in."

"I might not be able to bring clear skies, but I can get rid of a storm," Sarah argued.

"That ain't a storm, sweetheart. That's somethin' else entirely." She reached into her backpack and handed Sarah two protein bars. "Use these when you run outta energy. They'll give you a quick boost. Now, hold on to your hat," she warned closing her eyes.

The winds gradually sped up, faster and faster each second until Sarah was sure they were going to be knocked flat on the floor.

Holy shit. I didn't think it would be this strong.

"Stay safe! You got it?" Tem called above the howling gales, finally releasing her hand. "You can't save anyone if you're dead."

"Wait! How will I find you?"

Tem gave her a sly grin. "Don't you worry, Superwoman! If you survive, I'll find you." With that, she and the bike vanished in a blur.

Sarah held her arm over her face as she looked up at the dark clouds. She had never felt so small. The span of the storm was far too great for her to stop all at once, and she began to wonder if she'd made a mistake.

Maybe I can push the wind the other way, like reversing a tornado.

The dock Tem had mentioned was visible farther up the beach.

It might be dangerous, but it'll get me closer to the storm.

She walked out to it, still holding up her arm to cover her face as the winds whipped her already damp clothes against her body and pelted her with rain like needles. The water had receded far below the dock, leaving the supports exposed in the sand.

She proceeded out to the end and reached out her hand, closing her eyes as she focused on feeling the wind. It stretched for miles in every direction beyond her reach.

If I can disrupt it enough, it should slow down the storm.

She faced her palm against the wind in an attempt to push it in the opposite direction. It was only a split second before a stronger gust broke through, overriding her control.

Okay. It's stronger than I thought, but I can do this.

She repeated the movement with both hands, but the wind remained unphased.

If I do this enough, it'll slow down. I'm sure of it.

With determination, she thrust her hands out again and again, only to be met with winds that were just as fast — if not faster than before she had begun.

Come on, you bastard. You can't be that strong.

She reached out in either direction, grabbing for a larger radius as she pushed against it again, and again, and again, and again. The storm only continued to pick up speed, bringing in powerful gusts that threatened to knock her down.

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