She didn't know what that was, but was sure it wasn't the butterflies. It felt like what she felt when she looked at Parker, so that feeling was NOT good.

"Why did Parker look sadly at you and looked like he wanted to say something?" Sophie asked suddenly.

As Riley was going to reply  that she didn't know, all kids rushed inside the class, saying that Miss Collin had come. Riley thanked her teacher a lot.

And soon she entered, carrying their English Literature book, the class greeted her. She kept her book on table, and came directly towards her and Amber.

"Riley, someone told me you are interested in drama class?" She asked, as now whole class was looking at them.

"Yes mam, may I still join?" Riley asked, hoping she would refuse and sadly say that 'I'm sorry Riley, you can't join from between' but she smiled at her, "yes dear, you may still join"

"The extra curriculum class starts one month after school, so you are not late" Miss Collin told her. Riley thanked her and sat down.

Their teacher then started our chapter, an extract from Three Men In A Boat, a lesson named Packing.

Amber poked Riley, as the latter looked at her with a questioning look. "Drama classes start from tomorrow, first day, as the old teacher left. You weren't that late to join" She said to her.

"Oh, and Ryan and Parker are in that class, and I'm too" She added.

Riley just sighed at her luck. At least she wouldn't deal with the old teacher. She should tell that to Theo and Jason.

Next class was of of English too, and Miss Collin continued her story as Riley was doodling on the corner of her book. She wasn't good at drawing unlike all female leads around her age in any book. But she had command on my words.

Third class of social studies, they continued the Russian Revolution. The Bolsheviks were doing a lot of things. It was a hard chapter but they had to cover it.

In lunch break, even when Amber invited her for sitting with them, Riley politely declined, telling them about her situation.

Amber just frowned and went with Sophie and Nancy in other direction. Now even if that made Riley feel guilty, but she couldn't leave her friends.

She took out her physics worksheet, and took her lunch box to where they sat yesterday. Her friends were already sitting there. Riley waved her sheet at them as they nodded gratefully. They had three sections of Grade 9/ Freshman year.

The girls were in other one and boys in other. They discussed the topic of Motion, Fred and George cracking jokes in between. It was fun, bad they weren't in her class. During break, Riley didn't even look up, and she hoped no one was looking at her.

Then as bell rang, they collected their homework and rushed back to their classes, saying goodbye hurriedly.

Riley didn't like doing homework during lunch, but she wasn't there when Motion was taught so they were explaining her, and Riley couldn't say that she had the chapter in her book too. But they decided to talk from tomorrow and not be tooo nerdy.

As Riley entered the class she noticed that each girl was looking at her. Especially a girl sitting in last row fourth bench, in third row, Parker and Ryan were sitting together of fifth/last bench. And as she turned around, their maths teacher entered.

Mrs Kandasa was a short but irritating woman. She started the second lesson (Polynomials)'s second exercise 2.2 when Riley told her that she was a newcomer, she excused her, giving a warning to complete her book till next Monday. She made Nancy give her book to her of completion.

Nancy nodded, smiling and told Riley, "I'll give you just after the class ends" And the latter nodded. Then teacher said that they will continue exercise tomorrow. The kids groaned collectively as mam went out of the class.

"Good riddance" Sophie said as we all nodded.

Next class was of Biology and today mam didn't teach about Adipose tissue but gave us notes of Cells chapter. She said that she got the notes late and Riley was happy she wasn't late. We wrote the whole time, finishing four questions.

Then they continued the same in next class, as their physics teacher were on leave. Her hands ached as she had to write too much.

Next three classes passed easily as they were of Chemistry, Social studies (again) and Physics (off) and soon Riley was back at house. She took Nancy's book, and started to complete her maths book.

Today was not much eventful. Riley wrote in her diary. The boys didn't talk to me while coming home. I guess they were tired too. But hey Christopher talked to me!

Riley got a text from Amber, as she promised to send notes of History.
At least she got left alone, and undisturbed.

But Riley had a feeling that something was wrong and she didn't know the reason, but she couldn't shake it away. She hoped this wasn't anything related to Derek, as she'd got that feeling on days he would beat her.

And then Riley ran for dinner, not wanting to be late.

I, I, I shake it off... But that feeling comes back.


Phew! The chapter is long! I'm proud of myself.

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