Progress [Chapter 17]

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Dally beating up a dude so if you don't wanna read that then don't 😱😱

Dallys POV:

I walk outside to the old lot, the semi cold wind slapping me on the face at first. Man, how did Johnny voluntarily sleep out here nearly every night, I would pick the Curtis' house without hesitation.

I finally reach my destination and sit down, sinking into the old car seat. I sit there for a second, no thoughts at all, just sitting. Zoning out I guess you could say.

Man. I'm still surprised to hear that Pony is dating JOHNNY. I don't have a problem with that it's just weird, they've been friends forever and nothing more until now. I don't know how I feel about queers. I don't hate them or anything but I don't exactly LOVE them. I'm neutral about it I guess. Well, it's Johnny and I could never hurt him, he is the gangs pet too.

I'm glad Johnny finally found someone. He has always been to shy to talk to anyone so it's nice to see he gets to experience a relationship at least once on his life. Ponyboy better not fuck this up, or otherwise I don't think I will be able to contain myself from beating him.

I sigh and pull out a cancer stick and lighter, swiftly lighting the cigarette before putting the light back in my pocket. The smoke satisfyingly looming throughout the cold air. I get up and start walking back to the Curtis' house, hoping for a spot on the couch.

I was halfway there when I heard a rumbling sound of a car going toward me. I don't pay much mind to it as I could just run if it was Socs. Before I knew it the car pulled up next to me, slowly following.

"Hey grease!" One yells from the car, smirked annoyingly.

"What do ya want?"

"I don't know, maybe I want to jump you." He said in a teasing tone.

Without thinking I throw the cigarette at his arm as it was resting on the door.

"Ow!" The Soc exclaimed while flinching and grabbing his arm back. Over reaction it Sandy even on his skin for a second.

"Oh you're gonna get it!" The pissy little Soc screamed back at me.

"Sure you will" i rolled my eyes "c'mon let's go then."

He got out willingly and slammed his door shut, if there were other Socs I wouldn't have picked a fight. Luckily it was just this bastard.

He tried swinging at me but miserably failed as he was too far away. I punch him right in the solar plexus and he grunts, grabbing his stomach. While he was too distracted with that I hit his nose as hard as I could. It starting pouring out blood in a matter of seconds and his eyes were watering.

I grab him by his skinny arms and stuff him back into his car. I grabbed the keys and threw them on the road to be even more of a menace.

"Go eat shit you cunt." I spat and ruffled his hair in a mocking way.

I start walking down the street again to get somewhere to sleep. I enjoy a little fight, especially if I win without any injuries myself.

I arrive at the old looking house and walk in, seeing two bit sleeping on one of the comfortable couches. I yawn and lay down on the other one, kicking off my shoes off in the process.

I was so tired I just fell asleep immediately, best feeling ever.

Johnnys POV:

I felt the sun shining through the windows and brightening the room. I was going to get up but a pair of arms held me down, Pony.

"C'mon babe I wanna get up."

"Please stay for a few more minutes?"

"Okay, fine. But ONLY 4 minutes."

I relaxed my body again and melted into the younger boys touch. It was kind of cold so I guess it was nice cuddling. I felt my eyes getting heavy and I wanted to go back to sleep. No! I was going to get up I can't go back to sleep.

I pulled Ponys arm off and got up. I brushed my fingers through my hair to make it neater. I also looked through Ponys closet and picked out a shirt, hoping he couldn't mind.

I was finished tidying up my appearance and looked back to see my boyfriend STILL sleeping peacefully. I was hungry and I knew I needed to eat a little. I am always hungry but I just got used to it I guess. Maybe I'll just eat a bit of toast, hopefully a full one but I'll probably chicken out and only eat half.

"H-Hey Pony I was wondering if I could maybe eat like half a toast? I wanna get better." I said quietly so it wouldn't disturb him too much.

He rolled over and got up on his knees on the bed.

"Sure baby, let me get ready first. Do you wanna eat it here or downstairs."

"Up here if it's okay..."

"Of course!"

I saw him hurry off to the bathroom to get ready. I say if the edge of the bed waiting patiently. Man, I hope I can get better. Even just thinking of food makes my stomach twist. I never knew what I was going through was actually real, as in other people also feel the same way. I guess that makes me feel a little better that I'm not just some weirdo.

I was cut off my thoughts by the door opening swiftly. Pony walked out and smiled.

"I'm gonna go make the toast real quick. How much do ya want and do you want any butter or anything?" He asked in a loving tone.

"Oh um." I paused awkwardly "Half a toast with a little butter please."

"Sure." He said before trotting down the stairs

Typical horse behaviour 🙄🙄

A few minutes went by and he came up with two plates, one for me and one for himself.

He passed me the plate and I put it on my lap. I look at it and sigh. Maybe I shouldn't have asked for butter. Isn't that filled with fat and stuff?? I only got a little but still, I didn't wanna be fat.

"Babe, you aren't gonna get fat or anything. Please, eat it for me." My boyfriend reassured while rubbing my back.

"Are you sure? I thought butter has fat in it. That will make me fat won't it?"

"No babe don't worry. You will only gain unhealthy weight if you eat A LOT of butter everyday. It's fine besides you need to gain a little weight right? To be healthy and all."

"Mmmm okay..."

I pick it up and quickly take a bite before I chicken out. It was a nice crunchy texture. I tasted the butter,  oh I wonder how long it's been since I had toast. I slowly chew hesitating if I should swallow the food or not. Whatever, I can't be weak! I can't let Pony down so I eat it.

That was only one bite though. Man, it really made me feel like I accomplished something just to see I only ate like 1/7th of it.

"Good job babe! Do you think you will be able to finish it?" Ponyboy asked.


"Okay well I don't wanna pressure you or anything."


I look down at my plate and that familiar stomach pain comes back again. I sigh and gulp, I had to do it. Like pony said, I won't gain too much weight, just a healthy amount. I trusted him, he definitely knew more than me.

I close my eyes and prepare to eat the rest of it. I pick the toast up again and just stuff it in my mouth and chewed it as fast as I could. The pain of eating would be over quicker that way. I swallow the food and run my tummy.

"You okay Johnnycakes?" He asked gently, brushing the hair out of my face.


Didn't proof read bc I'm a lazy ass cunt so expect mistakes

Love you babes and sorry for not posting 🧍‍♀️

more than friends [JohnnyBoy] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt