Sleep [Chapter 2]

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Johnnys POV:

We finally made it back to Ponyboys house after walking from the old lot. Pony had helped me walk since I had a sore leg from the stupid Socs.

Pony opened the door quietly and let me in first, how polite. He followed me inside after I walked into the house.

"What happened to you Johnny!?" Exclaimed Darry who was on the couch. That had gotten the attention from the rest of the gang. They started at me and the painful cut that was on my forehead.

"He got attacked by some Socs..." Ponyboy said sadly. While directing his glare to my face. I guess he didn't notice how close his face was to mine. The tips of out noses nearly touched. "Um...P-pony?" I mumbled as he was still staring into my eyes. Everyone who was in the living room glared at us weirdly. "Oh geez sorry man, I zoned out." Blurted out pony, he stepped away. Both of our faces were red because of embarrassment. I felt the top of my ears burn up.

"Need a place to stay Johnny?" Asked Soda.

"Oh, um... I don't wanna be a bother." I responded plainly.

I always felt bad when I stayed at the house. I felt greedy and selfish because I didn't even work or do anything to help.

"No, no you aren't a bother. Please stay, I don't want you to sleep in the lot or worse your own house." Protested Soda. He did care, I mean of course he did.

"If your sure, t-then okay." I felt welcomed for once.

"Let's eat dinner, then do what ever. Please go to sleep at a reasonable time." Instructed Darry.

We all took a plate and set it down. Me and Ponyboy sat at the table and the rest of them were eating in the lounge room and watching cartoons with Steve and Two-Bit. God, they were like children.

I started eating my food. It was delicious. Yeah, hadn't eaten a proper meal in days, weeks even. I have just been living off apples and other cheap food. This was something else though. Ponyboy was lucky to have these kinds of meals daily.

Ponyboy was shoving the food into his mouth. I was used to it by now. He ate like a horse. Well, at least it matched his name right? Ponyboy, yeah more like horseman right now.

I ate more politely because well, this wasn't my house. I was like a guest. I didn't want to be shoving my food into my mouth. It would be rude. Although that's what I wanted to do.

I finished the last few pieces of meat and put my fork down. "Um, where do I put my plate?" I politely asked Ponyboy.

"Oh just put it in the sink. Don't bother washing it." He responded while maintaining eye contact with me.

I slowly got up from the table and walked over to the sink. I placed the dirty plate into the stainless steel sink. Turned on the water on lightly rinsed the plate so it would be easier to wash for who ever was going to do it. I turned around and sat next to Ponyboy who was sitting on the couch. The rest except Darry and soda were on the floor eating cake and drinking alcohol, drunk. Typical night at the Curtis house.

"Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, be right back." I told my best friend. He didn't think much about it and slightly nodded.

I stood up and make my way to the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror that was placed on the wall, turned around and closed the door making sure it was locked. Then turned back to the mirror to observe myself. Geez, I looked so bad. My face was dirty from not washing my face for days. But even worse...

My body

I looked...unattractive in my opinion. Although lots of people thought I looked good, I think it was just to make me feel better. Maybe it was my parents. Maybe they brought my self esteem down.

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