Are you Okay? [Chapter 1]

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I'm sorry for the picture, I just had too 😭

Third person POV

(BTW THIS IS AFTER JOHNNY GOT OUT OF HOSPITAL, just pretend it's a different outcome 😒)

Ponyboy sat in his room on his bed, reading the book Johnny had gotten him. His greenish grey eyes skimmed across the words. It was called "Gone With The Wind". Ponyboy loved it, adored it even. It was an amazing book, terrific writing and had a good storyline. But the reason he loved it as much as he did was because Johnny had gotten it for him. Yep, Johnny was his best friend, his closest friend yet. The only person he found understood him. Johnny would go out of his way to make pony boy cheerful and positive. He had gotten it when they were living in the almost ancient church. It helped pass time in that hell hole. 

(A/N: Yeah "best friend" 😏)

The Curtis house was empty except for Darry who was in the living room reading the news paper like the oollldddd man he was 👨‍🦳. Other than that it was empty and unusually quiet and even a little bit miserable. Everyone was out doing something. The boy felt like he wasn't doing enough in the house. He knew he was soon going to have to get a job to support his brothers and the gang. He brushed that thought away.

 Ponyboy wanted to hang out with Johnny so bad, he was desperate.

After sitting at the edge of the shared bed he suddenly lifted himself off and stood up. Glaring at the clock that read: 4:30 PM

He wondered around the house until he found the front door. He tiredly grabbed the door handle and opened it effortlessly. As soon as he reached the wooden steps on the small front yard he paused. He realised he didn't actually know where Johnny was right now. He hadn't seen him since last night.

 "I hope he's okay, I'll check the lot and if he's not there then... I don't know," Ponyboy thought to himself and resumed walking to search for his best friend.

...Time skip...

After a while of walking through the trees and bushes he found him self at the old lot that Johnny and himself hung out at most of the time. He saw a figure wearing a worn out jean jacket. The young boy had greasy jet black hair. Dark brown eyes that almost looked black. Irresistible tanned skin that glowed in the sun. He was beautiful.

"Johnny..." Ponyboy thought to himself. He slowly approached the older boy that was sitting down on the partially torn up seat.

"Hey," Ponyboy spoke up but it was quiet. He walked over and sat next to Johnny on the chair. Something felt wrong? It wasn't right... Usually Johnny would be happy to see him, he was silent, didn't even look up at him. He didn't receive a response. 

The 16 year olds face was covered by his dirty hands, almost like he was hiding something. "Why would he be hiding his face?" Wondered the curious boy. Johnny didn't move a muscle, not even an inch. After a 30 second awkward silence Pony had enough of it. He wanted to know what happened. He needed to know. 

"JohnnyCakes tell me, what's wrong. You can trust me right?" Whispered Ponyboy. He waited.

A/N: Aaaahhhhh!!! JohnnyCakes is such a cute nickname 😭💓

 With hesitation Johnny looked at Ponyboys face, stared into his eyes with worry. His Dark brown eyes locked with the other boys grey-ish eyes. It stayed like that for 5 seconds. His hands were shaking like crazy and had...blood on them...?

Dark red blood tricked from his forehead. A deep cut that was about four to five centimetres in length. It looked deep like it could leave a pretty obvious scar for who knows how long. It looked painful. God, it looked real bad.

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