No more lying [Chapter 13]

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Am I updating this book again after a million years? YES 🥳

I'm really sorry for leaving this book unfinished for ages, I rlly feel bad 😰

But it's fine bc im gonna try to update it HOPEFULLY weekly. But obviously I might be busy or tired, etc.

Thankyou and enjoy 🤭

Ponyboy slowly approached Johnny who was trying to stop his tears.

"So, can I now?" Ponyboy asked quietly. Johnny just nodded his head.

Slowly, the younger boy approached Johnny. He lifted up his worn out shirt. Johnny put his hand on it to stop the shirt from showing his ribs. He knew he was skinny but god, if Ponyboy saw his ribs he would freak.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Because the bruises aren't on my ribs..." The older boy blurted out quickly.

'Shit, that had to be the most guilty voice ever...' Johnny mentally cursed to himself.

Ponyboy stared at him unamused. He knew his boyfriend was lying, it was too obvious.

"I know you're lying babe." He said in a monotone voice.

"N-No I-"

"Show me"


The blonde but rolled his eyes. Johnny was being so stubborn, whatever be was hiding must've been serious.

"Please Babycakes?" He pleaded. He didn't want his lover to feel the need to hide anything from him, Ponyboy would feel terrible.

Johnny looked down at the floor and his eyes started watering again. What would Ponyboy think of him after he saw his body. Probably either call him a fatass or a human skeleton. Both hurt.


Carefully, Pony took off the shirt to reveal his lovers body. The older boys ribs were defined due to the lack of food. His waist was unrealistically small, too small to the point it looked like no organs could fit.

Johnny looked away, embarrassed and fearful. He was ready to be yelled at for being stupid and careless for his health.

Ponyboy on the other hand was in denial. He saw Johnny eat, how the fuck was he this skinny.  It was nearly impossible for someone to have that fast of a metabolism. It hurt him more than a bullet wound. His eyes stared to water.

"Have y-you been eating baby?" He mumbled with a sense of misery.

The only answer he got was silence.

He asked again, still in denial "Have you been eating?"

This time he only got a glare of uneasiness.

"Johnny. Have you been eating?" He asked in a more demanding tone. He was tired of his boyfriend bullshitting him.


"Shit babe..."

The younger boy just didn't know what do say. He had the idea that his boyfriend had some sort of eating disorder.

"I'm assuming you have an eating disorder...?" He asked in a gentle tone.

Johnny just stared in confusion, 'An eating disorder? I've heard something about it but I don't know what it is.'

"What's an eating disorder? Was I away the day that they taught it in health?" The older boy questioned curiously.

"Yeah I think you were. There are different types but I'm pretty sure you have one called anorexia or something."

"What's that mean? Am I a crazy person?!"

The blonde boy shook his head quickly.

"No baby, you're not crazy!" He paused "It means you don't eat food or very little food for long periods of time because you have body image issues or something. I-I'm not completely sure.."

"Oh..." Johnny sighed in disappointment "T-That sounds like what I have." He admitted, there was no point in lying anymore.

There was a pause of silence. It was an emotional moment and both were lost for words. This made it excessively awkward.

"Johnny, babe, you don't have to answer this if it's too invading but... have you been throwing up the food you've been eating. I've seen ya eat but if you're this skinny then..."

The older boy just gave a joy-less frown. Ponyboy could only help if he was completely open about everything.

"Yes. Yes I have..."

Ponyboy pulled Johnny in for a tight embrace. They were both emotional messes at the moment, they were both craving affection from each other.

"I'm gonna help you, Johnnycakes." Pony said "Love you." The younger boy whispered sweetly. He hugged his boyfriend even tighter.

"Love you too..." Johnny says back while hugging him back.

They both lean in for a kiss that they had both been wanting. They had been dating but every time they kissed it felt as exciting as their first.

They were gonna pull away but before they could the shaky door slammed open.

There stood Darry...

"What the fuck?"

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