More Than Just An Art Lesson [Chapter4]

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Ponyboy POV:


Why did I have to embarrass myself in front of Johnny?!

I mean, what was I thinking. Confessing? No sir, not in a million years. He was straight. I knew it, he never had interest in guys, especially not me. I saw the way he was looking at Cherry and her friend at the movies. I saw the love in his eyes. I saw it! He loved girls, not guys. It hurt so much to see your crush not be interested in you.

It hurt like a bitch.

I felt my face burn up and my hands shook a little bit. I nearly just told my bestfriend that I loved him. Luckily I had stopped myself before anything could happen. I didn't want lose Johnny. I didn't want to break the close friendship I had with him. 

We finally reached the old house, my home. We both walked inside and saw Soda, Steve and Two-Bit all talking, arm wrestling, the usual. 

"Hiya guys!" Yelled out Two-Bit when he saw us. He smiled at us then stared at my face for a second. He looked puzzled. 

"Why are you so red Pony?" He questioned me. Gosh, yeah maybe because I am in love with my bestfriend and nearly confessed to him?! Before I could say anything-

"Oooh! Pony has a fat crush on someone! Probably making out with Johnny at the lot!" Steve teased us across the room. He was making kissy faces at us. Soda and Two-Bit laughed at us, the 3 of them were now. Yeah right, I wish we were making out. But that would never happen, not even in a BILLION YEARS. I looked over to Johnny and he was looking at the floor. His face was red, even his tanned skin couldn't hide that. He then covered his face, he wasn't crying, just embarrassed. 

"S-stop it! We weren't doing anything guys!" I yelled then burst out laughing too. My face went even redder than it was before. My face felt like it was on fire. 

I was too embarrassed that I ran to my room, still laughing my ass off. Johnny ran after me. It was so cute when he was clingy. He was like a puppy. I opened the door and let him go in first. Then I sat on the floor, so did Johnny. I grabbed the journal I wrote in and opened it. 

"Hey Johnny, wanna draw or write something?" I asked him while flicking through the pages. I knew he liked to draw quite a bit, he was good at it too. 

"Oh yes please, thanks Pony." He responded while I passed him the book along with a pencil. He looked to me and smiled. God, he was so cute when he smiled. Those lips looked so kissable. They looked so soft, I wanted to kiss him so bad. But no, I couldn't do that. Surely he would be pissed if I did that. I had to brush off that thought before possibly for a second time, nearly confess...

I looked back at the paper. He was drawing a flower, it was a pretty rose. It was simple but amazing. He some how made anything amazing. I heard the faint scratches on the paper each stroke he drew, it was slowly forming. After a good 5 minutes he was done. It was beautiful, just like him. So detailed too, I was shocked at his artistic skills. He didn't even go to art lessons, just self taught. He could do anything and it would turn out good.

"W-Wow that's a good picture! Can you help me draw it too?" I needed to learn. I wanted to be as good as Johnny at drawing. I wanted a skill too.

Johnny just nodded. He was sitting next to me but he shuffled closer, his thigh touched mine. I felt a wave of shock pass through my body. Slowly, he lifted himself off the floor. He then placed himself in between my legs. I could feel the weight of his body against mine, he was so light. He leaned back into me. One of his hands was on my thighs and the other in his own lap. God, it was like he was trying to seduce me. My face burnt as he sat in my lap. My lap. It felt like we were more than friends right now. His face was so close to mine and I felt the urge to kiss him. I held my breath in, stressing. He passed the book to me as well as the pencil. 

A/N: Hoe, he is seducing you. Kiss him you donkey kid 💀

He must have noticed how nervous I was and asked, "I-Is this okay? I can get off if you want." No, I wanted him to stay here. I didn't want him to leave. This feeling was just foreign that's all.

"No, stay. Please, it's fine. I... I like it." I finally admitted to him. I didn't want to phrase it weirdly though. I didn't want to make it obvious I liked him. If he found out I would be dead meat. I would just ruin everything.

"O-Okay, that's good I guess." He mumbled under his breath. He seemed nervous too if I had to be honest. He was just trying to cover it up, hiding his anxiety with fake confidence. It was honestly really cute in my opinion. 

"Try to copy my drawing. Just tell me if you need help." Johnny told me as he watched me draw. I wasn't the best drawer but I was okay. I just copied how I saw Johnny draw. I started drawing the shapes he did on the other page. Then forming them into the petals. I was having trouble with the details. Why did I think I could draw. I mean, I can't draw for shit!

"Johnny, help me draw the details." I certainly needed help. It looked like absolute shit. Anyone could do better than me.  

"Okay..." He mumbled. Gently he put his hand over mine (which was still holding the pencil) and started to draw. I felt a tingle of affection go through my whole body. It almost felt like I was being electrocuted, but it felt nice. 

The end result was decent. I was lucky Johnny helped with it. "Thanks Johnny." I said after taking a second look at the art piece. 

After that I placed the book on the floor next to us. I just leaned on the wall that was behind me, Johnny was still in my lap. I was starting to get sleepy until Johnny decided to start moving around. I knew he was trying to find a comfortable spot but it was killing me, he didn't know that though. As he kept shuffling around my body started to get a little shaky. All this moving in my lap wasn't doing me any good. I felt nervous and clenched my hands into fists to try to cope with it. Jesus, I hope my body doesn't betray me right now. I prayed that it wouldn't expose me. My face fell onto his shoulder and that sure got this attention. I couldn't help it anymore.

"Johnny, stop m-moving around so d-damn much..." I managed to get out, I couldn't help it but I stuttered too. My face was still buried in his soft shoulder. 

"Oh darn Pony, sorry." He apologised genuinely, I wasn't sure if he knew what he was doing wrong but he finally found a comfortable position.

My hands where on the floor but it felt wrong. I felt like they were supposed to be somewhere. That's when I suddenly decided to bring Johnny closer to me by pulling him in. My hands were wrapped around his stomach. He was so warm and cuddly, I loved it. He smelt so nice too, he had a certain smell I loved. I couldn't get too comfortable though, he wasn't my boyfriend. Not yet at least, one day I hope I will have the confidence to tell him.

It was so comfortable my eyes felt heavy. My body started to feel sleepy. I could feel myself getting more tired by the second. Then that's when it happened. I fell into the void of unconsciousness. 


Man, I swear these kids are so fucking clueless right now.  Like bitch just fuck already, Johnny nearly made PonyBitch have a boner 🙄

PonerBoner... LMAO SORRY 😭

Love y'all 😍❤️

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