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The sting of tears burns and you back away from the door and leave the premises. A dare led to you catching some for a fake. Fake feelings that manifested in the pit of your heart that made yours real. And it hurt all that much more.

Niki scours the mass of people, unable to locate you in a frenzy. It was almost time for the award ceremony and you were nowhere to be seen. Minji was seated with hanni in the near distance and scurried over to question your absence.

A feign of innocence from the two insists on a quizzical facial from him. Where could you have possibly gone?

With the time ticking to a close, niki heads back to the waiting room for a second check, his feet urging him to the destination. His feet stop at the door and he exhales, and pushes the door open.

You were in front of the mirror, fixing your hair with a small cute hairpin. He smiles of relief and hunches over with his hands on his knees, huffing for air. "i searched all over for you, where were you,"

"the restroom,"

"oh. it's time for the award ceremony, c'mon," he conveys, shaking off the iffy inkling stirring in his stomach. You swipe the remaining drops off your cheeks once again, and prepare yourself to face the stupid boy you harbored stupid emotions for.

You sit beside the boy inevitably and calm your sentimentality and focus on the event before you as a distraction. It worked quite well as the concern of not being called stirred worry from you. You grip your fit, nibbling on your lower lip with anxiousness building in you.

Niki glances over at you and at your hand clutching the fabric you wore. His hand travels to your hand and dances around it before managing to clasp your hand in his hold to sooth your frantic concern. Your orbs stare at his hand holding yours and jungwons word echo repeatedly.

You shake off his hand with no warning, leaving niki to gaze at you inquisitively.

Third place was the next position to be announced and you really hoped to place anywhere on the list at this state. And you were, being beckoned to the stage along with niki trailing behind with uncertainty due to your previous out of character actions. So much to the fact he hadn't taken in the feeling of ranking bronze.

You accept the trophy and avoid his lingering look on you, a small smile forming on your lips, unable to portray any genuine notions of joyousness. You won and lost all in the same day and niki was left with nothing short or long of an answer but the confusion of you shaking his hand off.

The ceremony concludes and you leave the venue with niki and commute back together with no words exchanged. Niki was worried but couldn't manage to say anything to your fallen face. You arrive at your house and niki stills, jumping to his feet. It was now or never.

"i like you,"

You freeze, eyes taking interest in the pavement beneath your feet, avoiding his piercing gaze and you dodge his confession. He strings you into a hug and you refuse to speak your heart after what you'd heard earlier. You pull away and look him straight in the eyes, missing the same glimmer your front would hold.

"goodnight, niki"

You turn and walk away from the boy, a tear jerking down your face and slam the door behind your back, sliding to the floor and breaking down into sobs. All the moments shared over the past weeks came crumbling down within a few minutes. He was just another guy in your life now.

It was time you kept your distance, 'cause you weren't going to be the one to get hurt.

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