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now playing:ㅤhurtㅤ ılllı
ㅤㅤ ㅤ newjeans
0:00 ─●──────── -0:00
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ㅤㅤㅤ ☰ queue

The pounding in your heart only loudened as you watched others mount the stage and perform, some making mistakes and many exceeding your expectations. You find yourself in a spiral of thoughts as you stand backstage, niki nowhere in sight.

The nerves pricked at your skin, eating you alive. The unintentional jumpscare from niki appearing beside you sent you a spook through your spine. "didn't mean to scare you. 'you alright?"

"yeah, it was just a scare,"

"no i meant the pale look on your face, the terrified expression. it's just like that day in the cafeteria," niki cracked, laughing upon remembering your front. And your eerie silence drawing his attention, "nervous?"

A blank as a response speaks more to him and he moves in front of you with his broad shoulders covering your sight. Forced to gaze at him, you manage a spike in your head to him, locking your orbs with his. The softening in his facial features is noticeable as his hand places on your shoulder, a small squeeze of reassurance doing more than enough to erupt butterflies in your stomach.

The previous feelings of anxiousness gone without a trace and replaced by the giggly sentiment caused by him. Maybe your cheeks were painting a color of their own unknown to you, finding niki's smile stretching as his other hand reached for yours, intertwining them together.

K.O! rampaged in your head while a countdown resounded 10, 9, 8... The sound drowned out and the music now lost in translation. A giggle escapes niki with a wide grin, making you paste one of your own, laughing for no particular reason, as you bumped into his chest.

Niki's grip tightened on your hand and he pulled you into his embrace, the same smile adorning his face. The arm once on your shoulder shifted to your waist, making you bury your face in the crook of his neck and you nuzzle closer to his warmth.

The mental countdown continued ... 3, 2, 1 and the bell rang, drawing to a close. There you were in your head, on the floor, knocked out from an overdose of affection, not that you would complain but the withdrawal came with severe complications. You mustn't get ahead of yourself.

Just like that, the two of you were called onto stage, greeting the elevation with both of your presences, your hand still wrapped into niki's. Your anxiety disappeared like magic when he held your hand, the fuzzy feeling and encouragement coursing through his touch.

The booming of music began with the same movements you'd ingrained in your mind over the past few days with relentless hard work and unwavering determination. But it felt less nerve racking and nail biting than you thought, noticing that you'd seem to enjoy the feeling of performing for a crowd, who gave back positive reactions.

The carefree motions overflowed and spread to niki, the rhythm following the two of you than the other way around. For the first time, you were having fun performing. It came to a close sooner than expected, the proudness washing you over, your face beaming radiant energy to the audience as they cheered on.

Striding behind niki off the stage he halts and turns to you with a smile of appreciation, and you reciprocate the same, searching for his hand once again and drowning it in his hold. A mix of emotions and adrenaline rushed through your veins and the urge to confess grew.

"i have something to say," you state, niki stopping you with a sudden embrace, "wait, don't reject me just yet, let the moment seep in," he hurries in a whisper near your ear. You try to pull away to tell him quite the opposite, "actually, i've been meaning to tell you that i do—"

"niki, yn! great performance and hate to ruin the cute little moment," minji erupts from behind you both. You love minji as your best friend but that was the worst timing possible. Jungwon and sunoo emerge from the entrance and take niki out and away from you.

A gnarl of frustration gets you caught up in your personal prison of thoughts, "minji i swear you have the worst timing ever,"

"wait you were about to—" An exaggerated gasp leaves her and you stalk to your shared waiting room with niki, in no mood to chatter with your friend after the abrupt interruption.

"don't follow me," you warn minji and stomp and revise how to confess. The 'in the moment' feeling now cashed out along with your energy. You trace to the room with regret and furrowed brows, the door of your waiting room slightly open hearing a howl of shouts from inside.

It was niki and his friends. The mention of your name stills you by the door, your back gluing to the wall beside the doorway. Curiosity peaking, you listen to their frivolous chatter.

"so you're tellin' me, that you scored a girlfriend?!" sunoo, the kind-faced sassy friend of niki's exclaims from inside. You smile at the comment and continue to fill your pride.

"not yet, i didn't get an answer," this is what he would've received if the sharing of hearts session wasn't interrupted like a live broadcast.

"crazy to think this all blossomed over a silly little dare," jungwon follows, with a small laugh.

The palpitations of your heart ring in your ears, and you still in your track, the rest of their conversation numb to your ears.


A stupid dare.

ADOR U! ... nishimura rikiWhere stories live. Discover now