11 - 🐿

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" Holy shit! " Chan exclaimed when Minho ended the story of the squirrel turning into Jisung.

" Wow so if I kiss.. Him. He'll turn into Jisung too? " Chan asked while pointing at the yellow canary who was dozing off due to boredom.

" No. He'll turn into Felix because you are not lucky enough to have a Jisung. " Minho said sassily and Jisung hit his shoulder lightly while blushing.

" Eww you're flirting. " Chan said with a disgusted face but shut up when he saw them both glaring at him.

" Okay so how am I supposed to kiss him? " Chan asked while glancing at the canary who was looking at them bored.
" Just give him your lips and he'll kiss you instead. "

" You sure he won't bite? His beak looks sharp. " Chan said while fearing for his lips being teared apart.

" Just sit in front of him! " Jisung exclaimed frustrated. He just wanted to go back home and cuddle with Minho as if he wasn't clinging to Minho on the sofa.

Chan obliged hesitantly and crouched in front of the canary, slightly puckering his lips.
" Now Felix stop being a pain in the ass and kiss him. " Jisung said when he noticed Felix just staring at the human in front instead of kissing him.

" I feel like we are in a church witnessing a marriage between them with Jisung as a priest. " Minho commented on the scene.

Felix finally stood up and gently placed his lips on Chan's and a familiar rainbow light filled the shop.

Remembering how Jisung was naked when he first transformed, he immediately covered Minho's eyes.
" What— "
" Just focus on me baby. " Jisung whispered leaning towards his ear.

Meanwhile in the same room

" As much as I would love to kiss you again, I have a squirrel to take care of so would you mind if I borrow your hoodie. " Felix asked as Chan gazed at him in daze. He wasn't aware that the small canary was such a beautiful human therefore he was having a hard time dealing with the fact but he nodded nonetheless.

Felix immediately removed the oversized hoodie Chan wore on his white T-shirt and slipped it onto his own small body. The hoodie was already oversized but on Felix it looked like a pretty dress. He pecked Chan's cheek as a thank you and dashed towards the human turned squirrel sitting on Minho's lap.

" YAH! HAN JISUNG! How Can You Turn On Your Friend Because Of Another Man!! " Felix dragged Jisung off of Minho while head locking him with his tiny arms.


" F-Felix, let me g-go. " Jisung struggled in his arms. He may seem a small cute little angel but he was a devil with such a strong grip and don't get me started on his deep voice. " I-I'm sorry! "

Jisung discretely turned around and tickled him. Felix immediately responded and loosened his grip.
" You.did.not. " Felix said with a glare to which Jisung just mocked him by sticking his tongue out.

Predicting his next moves Jisung immediately ran around the shop with Felix hot on his tail giggling and laughing at themselves. While Minho and Chan sat there looking at them just like parents who watch their kids playing in a playground.

" Now now, it's time to close the shop. If you all want you can come with me to my house. " Chan suggested after the atmosphere calmed down. They all agreed and helped Chan to close the shop.

The day passed by with them getting to know each other and making new friends. Just like a single day many more days passed by and then weeks.

Winter break was over and it was time for Minho to go back to seoul. Of course Jisung didn't want to be seperated from his boyfriend so he tagged along.
Oh did I tell you that Minho and Jisung are boyfriends? Well it was a rushed confession.

Minho and Jisung were on a date near the river in middle of the forest. They were swimming and splashing water at each other when Jisung decided he wanted a romantic under the water kiss so he pulled Minho in. Of course he got his wish granted but along with a question of being Minho's boyfriend. Who would say no? Not Jisung, of course, so he said yes. And when they told their grandparents, they were not surprised.
'I thought you were already boyfriends when I first saw you cuddled in the sheets.' Grandpa snickered in amusement.

It was fun while it lasted but now Minho had to go back and it was about time Jisung returned home to his mother who was devastated when she saw the note Jisung left before leaving seoul with Felix.

Hey mom,

This is sudden but I just wanna inform you that I'm leaving this house for some days. Maybe weeks? It's not your fault mom, I am just taking a break? Away from this world. I hope you won't get angry and wait for me to return home. I'm sorry that I'm leaving you so abruptly but I promise that I'll tell you everything once I return.
Please take care of yourself and stay healthy.
I love you mom.

Your son,
Han Jisung

Despite his son saying that it wasn't her fault, she felt guilty. Everyday she would come home thinking that may be her son would be back, someday there would be someone in her house to call her mom. And her wish was gonna be granted soon.

" I'm gonna miss you both. " Grandma said while hugging Minho and then Jisung.

" Same. I'm gonna miss your cooking. " Jisung said while pouting sadly.

" I can always cook for you honey. " Minho said trying to reassure him.

" But you can't match the love grandma put in her dishes. " Jisung hugged her once again to show that he mean it while Minho mocked offence by clutching his chest dramatically.

" Where is Grandpa? " Minho asked as he noticed an elderly man missing in the scene.

" Here I am. " Grandpa lee appeared from the backyard with a strange wooden block in his hand. " I have one more surprise for you. "

Both Minho and Jisung looked at their grandpa curiously while grandma had a warm smile on her face.

" Here, I made this for you. " He handed them the wooden block which was scrapped to depict a picture. A boy similar to Minho with a squirrel on his shoulder. The duo recognized themselves and smiled before embracing the old man into a hug.

" Thank you grandpa. It's the best gift so far, apart from the tree house of course. "

" Anything for my sons. " Grandpa lee said and caressed their back while barely holding his own tears back.

After their heartfelt goodbye, Minho grabbed his bag as Jisung didn't bring anything with him and walked towards the station. They were the only once leaving as Felix decided he wanted to stay a little more with his boyfriend Chan. He would surely return one day to his devil sister and his mother but not today.

" Are you nervous? " Minho asked Jisung who was looking at the wooden block which held a precious memory to him. " Yeah, nervous to meet my mom. " Jisung answered in a whisper.
" Would she be angry? Or worst, what if she doesn't wanna see me again? She must be so lonely. "

" Hey baby, don't worry. Remember that I'm with you, always. " Minho said while rubbing his back soothingly.
" And I'm sure she is dying to see you, she is your mother after all. "

" I hope so. "

" Uncle, can we switch seats? " A little girl interrupted Minho who was sitting near the window seat. He smiled at her and responded.

" No. "

" You are so mean. " The little girl huffed while pouting but before the girl could start crying Jisung gave the girl a candy as a compensation.

" Sorry but he is like that sometimes. " Jisung whispered to the little girl who giggled at the bribe.

" It's okay. " The girl immediately said smiling widely and ran towards her mom.

" Darling, who gave you this? " They heard the mother of the girl ask. " That cute squirrel uncle. " She pointed towards where Jisung was sitting and Minho snickered.

" Kids never learn. "

                 °❃.✮:▹ End ◃:✮.❃°

Word count - 1395
Is the end okay or should I change it a bit?

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