07 - d

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Jisung and Felix quietly tip toed towards the door, as if one single sound could change whatever was inside that room.

Felix turns the door knob after looking at jisung and asking a silent permission. But it was locked.

Felix looks at Jisung. "It's locked."

" My mom has the keys. " Jisung replies trying to think of a place where his mom would keep the keys.

" Well damn. I'll have to activate my burglar mode. " Felix says cracking his fingers.

Jisung looks at Felix intensely as he removes a U- pin from his hair and inserts into the keyhole. After jiggling the pin several times,

Felix stands up proudly with a smug smile on his face.
" Why do you have a burglar mode? " Jisung asks shocked.

" It's useful when my sister locks me outside the house. "

" Why would she do that? "

" For revenge, because I locked her in the bathroom once. " Felix nods towards the door and both of them enters the room with a creak of the door.

Both of them gasp and then cough from all the dust gathered in the room.
" cough cough this room looks pretty normal cough minus the dust. " Felix says coughing and opens the window to let the fresh air in.

The room was nothing like they expected it to be. Well, they expected it to be a room of Hogwarts filled with mysterious objects and books floating around but it was a normal room with a bed in the corner and a study table near the window and a book shelf + cupboard opposite to the bed and lots of spider webs and dust moths.

" I have fed my curiousity now let's go. " Jisung says already disgusted with all those bugs lying around.

Felix however wanted to explore the study table because there were indescribable scribblings on the wood.

Jisung rolled his eyes as Felix started looking inside the drawer for more scribbles as if he would understand them just like calculus. Ps. He did not understand, neither calculus nor the scribbles.

Jisung started looking around the book shelf even though he barely read any books.
But one specific book caught his attention.

It's spirals where shining maybe because the sunlight? But it looked kind of enchanting that jisung didn't hesitate and pulled the book along with some dust and bugs of course. But he was too engrossed in the title of the book that he didn't even gross over it.

" Meliorism "

Jisung read the title, which was kinda weird. This caught Felix's attention and he approached him.

" Well you found something interesting. "

" Let's see what it is about! " Jisung said curiously and keeps the heavy book on the study table.

That was his 2nd mistake.

" How to be _____ ? "
Felix reads the title of the first page and tilts his head in confusion.

Jisung turns the page and he sees different animals and insects along with some weird scribblings. This time in English letters but put together in some weird sequence that it makes no sense.

Felix turns the page again and looks at the picture of a small squirrel.
" Look jisung it's you! " Felix exclaims giggling.

Jisung rolls his eyes but smiles nonetheless.
" Oh, most talkative of spirits.
Ever-balanced and most nimble leaping one
Playful dancer on highest branches
Teach me the ways of remembering and forgetting
The ways of forests and city
Praise to the great squirrel. "

Jisung reads and gives Felix a confused look who was gawking at jisung with a shocked expression.

" How did you read that?! "
Felix exclaims.

" It's written in English. Can't you read too? "

" No I can't! It looks all gibberish to me! " Felix exclaims and turns the page frantically to prove his point. Jisung looks at the page Felix opened and quickly understands what he meant.

" It is gibberish, I think I just made that up because now I can't read. " Jisung says looking at the page opened on a yellow canary.

Felix looks at the page and says, " Wait- why can I read this?! "

Felix looks at jisung who looked at him with the same confused expression.

" What does it say? "

" Yellow like the shining sun
High in the sky
Teach me the wisdom of the flowers
Wings tracing the shape of eternity
Beak sipping the nectar of pure joy
Tireless and independent
Lifting my spirit on your invisible wings. "

The duo shares a confused glance at each other because except the two pages of squirrel and canary they cannot read anything else.

But they both could read the last line written in the book.
" The princess was never a princess till she kissed the frog. "

Having enough of their brain flooded with confusion and questions they both closed the book but not before looking at the name of the author.
- Han Sung won

" It's so confusing. What was your grandfather thinking about while writing these? " Felix exclaims sitting on the dusty chair and immediately falling because the old chair couldn't bear the weight.

Jisung laughed out loud instead of helping him. Felix pouted and stood up once again but something caught his eyes, more like some words written under the wooden table.
" All spells work at midnight. "

Jisung stopped laughing and saw the written sentence while crouching down.
" Spells? What is this, Hogwarts? "

Felix thinks for a little more and stands up. " I think I know what this is all about. "

After closing the door once again incase Jisung's mom comes home early, both settled down in Jisung's room and Felix starts speaking.

" Jisung, have you seen harry Potter? " Felix asked with a serious face.

" What? Why are you asking me that? " Jisung looks at him questioningly.

" I know you have. Now have you seen the princess and the frog? "

Jisung sighs and nods because he knows that Felix is too deep into this shit to back out now.

" But now how about we combine them both? " Felix suggest and Jisung is beyond confused.

" Listen here, what if a human turns into any animal they resemble to by reading a spell just like in Harry Potter but if they wanted to become human again they can't. You know why because there is no reverse spell. So how about a human kiss? Just like the princess and the frog. "

" You would make a good wattpad writer. " Jisung says and dismisses his theory.

" But jisung it makes sense!! What if we have activated a spell without knowing? " Felix says defending his theory.

" Then why hasn't anything happen? "

" Because spells work at midnight! "

" Look Felix, it's almost time for my mom to arrive and I don't want her to know we sneaked into grandfather's room so let's talk about this tomorrow. " Jisung says sighing in defeat.

" But- " Felix never got to the chance to complete his sentence when their door bell rang. Felix packed his bag unwillingly.

And that's how they made a 3rd mistake.


Word count - 1165
I want to write more but I don't have time 😭

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