Chap. 10

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Garth's POV

"Oh thank god that worked, I was afraid we were both gonna die," Y/n says sighing in relief. "You're crazy! Do all you omegas have crazy ideas?" I ask chuckling, completely flabbergasted her plan worked. She giggled and pretended to think. "I guess I got that trait from Humphrey," she replied shrugging. "Who? The coyote?" I ask taken aback. 'Him? There's nothing great about that guy and she got it from him?' "He's not a coyote, he's a fun loving omega,"  she defends. "More like obnoxious," I mumbled sarcastically.

She looked back at me with a playful glare and rolled her eyes. 'Does she- like him? There's no way. He's a brute, irresponsible-' and I freeze as I feel her touch me. "You okay?" she asks looking up at me and my throat closes. She's looking at me and I get lost in her eyes. She's beautiful. I slowly nod, realizing I hadn't answered her yet. "What are you doing?" I finally manage to ask and she rolls her eyes. "Wiping the mud off you silly. You look much more handsome without all this gunk," she replies and we both freeze. 

"Handsome?" I repeat subconsciously. "I never said that," she denies quickly and walks away.  "No, I think I heard you pretty clearly," I push. 'She called me handsome right? I'm not imagining it?' "Let's find somewhere to hide from the rain," she says and walks away faster. I follow her lost in thought. 'Did I imagine it? Or is she avoiding the topic? Come on Garth, why are you so hung up on her?' We were stuck in another awkward silence. 'No, no, no, no. We were just having a conversation! Say something!' 

"Thanks Y/n," I say. She paused for a moment and coughed. "What?" she asked. "You just saved my life Y/n, that actually means a lot," I reply with a small smile. She pauses and then stops, making me stop. "Well, ... think nothing of it. I was just thinking about the valley. You're the one saving us so I can't let you die," she replied and started walking again. 'So she doesn't like me, she's just helping me home so I can unite the packs. I ... imagined it. What am I thinking? She's an omega so it couldn't work out anyway!So, why am I so upset?' "Right, yeah. I understand," I mutter disappointed. Then again, we were trapped in silence. 

We looked under ledges until we found one big enough for us both and climbed into it and laid in silence. It wasn't long before Y/n passed out. 'She must have been so tired. She's stunning, the mud all over her and the weather ruins the moment though. She's so much different from Kate. Kate is much more formal than Y/n, that's probably why she was chosen as alpha. Y/n is amazing. She can do tricks, she saved my life, she easily accepted the fact that Kate is alpha with no hard feelings, she's strong and fast, and she's super kind. I think... I think I like her. But I have to marry Kate, for her sake, plus it sounds like she doesn't even feel the same about me. She likes that coyote. Can't she see he obviously likes Kate? She went with him too when we first met,'

I sigh and clear my thoughts watching the rain until I fall asleep. 


Bright light shone into my eyes making me wake up. I quietly groan and roll over to get the sun out of my face and open my eyes to see my nose nudging Y/n's. I stared and smiled trying to nod off again until a rock bounced off my head and onto Y/n's. We sat up  in sync and our noses rubbed against each other. She backed away quickly with a nervous grin. I gave her a playful smirk and she rolled her eyes playfully and walked past me, brushing my face with her tail.

I looked out from under the ledge and saw the goose and duck. The goose had a stick in his wing, which I'm guessing is what bounced the rock off our heads. "What are you guys doing here?" Y/n asks, her sleepy voice smooth like honey. "No, the question is what are you doing here? I give you a first class ticket home," "Yes, a straight shot right to the pin," "And you blow it?" the birds ask as Rayne shrinks back. "Sorry," she whines and I glare at the birds. "There has to be another way to get to Jasper," I speak up. "Another way? Another way?! Always another way, what am I, a travel agent?" the goose asks sarcastically. Y/n continues to shrink back, her ears and tail drooping until she perks up again with an idea. 

"Come on, there's gotta be another way right? There's always another way to win a game, a sportsman like you should know that," Y/n says and starts talking up the goose until he gives in. "Well uh, there could be a train," "Actually there is a train, it's the Canadian Express," "Paddy please, it's called the Canadian Express," "It shoots right by Jasper Park," "Right by Jasper Park. If you could catch it," "You'll be home in no time," "No time, very fast," they continue, finishing each other's sentences. Y/n's form instantly relaxes and I watch her eyes gleam in hope.

"That's great! So where can we board?" she asks excitedly. "Where do you board? Watch this," the goose says as he hits a rock with his stick, straight towards a mountain. "On the other side of that mountain," "Paddy, please,.." the birds start and Y/n looks me dead in the eyes. "Let's go," she says and I find myself weak, only a small nod comes from me and she smiles at me happily. 'I've completely lost it for her,'

979 words. I hope this was a good take on his point of view. I really tried but It didn't feel right. We're almost at the end of the story! Lemme know if yall want more stories of other characters!

Sleep. Eat. Hydrate. Love yourselves. Be yourselves.

Have a good whatever time it is for you rn!

February 2, 2023

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