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Finn X robin

(As requested!!)

Finns pov
I was walking out to get my mail when I spotted my neighbor, Robin allerano. I smiled and waved. He did the same, he was so pretty.

I have the biggest crush on him. I just haven't gotten the courage to ask him to be mine yet. But soon very soon.

Later that day I was watching him through my window when I noticed someone else walking into his house. I didn't like that at all, why was he hanging out with other people?

I took a closer look, I recognized them. It was Bruce, that other baseball kid. I played against him once.

He was getting way too close to Robin, I couldn't let him just take what was mine. I had to do something but what? He needs to know he's mine, and only mine.

I got an idea, it was a little crazy but if it worked I would have him all to myself, so I started baking cookies. I was almost done mixing the batter when I mixed in some sleep drugs.

I put them in the oven and finished them up, the plan was to get them both to eat one. They would fall asleep and I would take Robin, and kill Bruce.

I put them on a cute tray and made my way to the door, I knocked and Bruce answered. I wanted to rip his skin off right there and then, but I held back.

"Hi, I made cookies and was hoping you would try them! It's for a baking competition thing, I just want your opinion!" I said sweetly. Bruce gave me a suspicious look.

That's when Robin came to the door "hey Finn what's going on?" He asked, I said the same thing I said to Bruce and he smiled.

He gave me the tray and offered to let me inside which I thanked him and followed the two in. They filled me in on their chat about this new movie.

Bruce didn't look pleased that I was taking all of Robin's attention from him. But that's when he started eating a cookie, it would take a few minutes to kick in.

Robin had already devoured two and was going for his third. I had to spot him, there was already alot in them so any more could end badly.

"I think you should take a break from eating those, there alot of sugar. I'd hate for you to get sick." I explained.

He nodded and put the cookie down, Bruce then offered me one. Panic mode. "Oh no, I already had some at home!" I said. He gave me a look that told me he wasn't buying it.

But he nodded and placed it back down on the tray. He was about to leave after a little while but before he walked away Robin passed out.

Bruce quickly rushed to him but also passed out before he could get him. I looked over Robin's sleeping face and then dragged Bruce away.

I grabbed a knife and started stabbing him over and over again till I felt no more pulse. I dumped him into the trash bin outside and went back to Robin.

I picked him up and brought him to my house, I tied up my new boyfriend and put him in my basement. I waited for him to wake up.

Which took a couple hours due to having much of the sleep medicine he probably consumed. I made some food in the meantime.

When he eventually woke up he quickly noticed he was tied at the wrist but nothing more. He started looking around and saw me sitting there only a couple feet away.

"Morning sweetie, how are you feeling?" I asked sweetly. I reached out to touch his face but he started shuffling back.

I kept getting closer "stay back!" He snapped

I stopped "sweetheart it's okay I'm not gonna hurt you" I explained

He still moved away, that was super annoying. I tried to grab him but he kicked me, he hit my nose and it started bleeding.

I wiped some of it off and smiled at him, he was taking fast deep breaths and staring at me with wide eyes.

"Oh don't look so scared, it's just some blood. It's okay" I said he still didn't come closer so I sat there looking at him.

"Why am I here?" He fainlly asked

"So the thing is I've had a massive crush on you for like a year and I didn't have the guts to tell you so I took and now your mine!" I explained.

"What? I'm not yours.." he argued

My face dropped into a more upset and mad expression. He is mine

"Yes you are, you belong to me now. Since I got you so now your mine" I giggled.

He shook his head. "No?" I asked laughing a bit at how wronthe was.

"You don't have a choice." I said sternly and moved closer again. I pushed his legs down so he couldn't kick me.

I held his wrist with one hand and leaned close to his face. He turned his head so I couldn't get to his lips, smacking me with his hair in the process. I grunted and went to his neck instead. I wanted a kiss but I guess I didn't do anything I wanted.

I lightly kissed it and he stayed quiet, I kept doing that till he finally said something.  "Stop.."

"I want a kiss then."  I negotiated with him. He turned his head and let me lean into him.

I pressed my lips against his hand and kissed him for a moment before moving my hands from his wrist. Tracing his jaw with my figures as we pulled away, I smiled and he went red

"Didn't that feel nice?" I cooed.

He nodded and I let go of his legs moving back a bit.

(996 words)

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