💛Hug me back pt2

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( This is pt2 and I hope u like it!!!)

No pov
Despite Robin pushing him away multiple times he still managed to scoop him up and pull him close, which was harder than he hoped because Robin just kept struggling.

Finally Finney had him in his arms in a comfortable position, with Robin's head resting on his chest. Robin fiddled with his hands as they rested on his lap. Refusing to look at the one holding Finney.

Finn moved the hair out of Robin's face then leaned down and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead. Which robin rudely wiped away with the back of his hand.

"Listen, I'm sorry I was gone so long." Finney tried to apologise, but Robin wasn't just gonna forgive him.

Robin looked down rubbing his cold arms. "Here I'll go get us a blanket so you can warm up" Finney tried to stand up but robin hung onto him.

Before Finney couldn't drop him he quickly wrapped his legs around his waist and his arms around his neck.

Finn sighed "just a second ago you didn't want me to cuddle you and now you won't let go?"

Robin nodded, still hiding his face,  "you're warm…." He mumbled into Finn's shirt.

Laughing a bit to himself, Finn sat back down holding Robin close. Enjoying the affection that he was getting. He started to softly rubbed Robins back, Robin hummed a bit due to the soft warm feeling.

Once Robin fell asleep Finn slid him onto the bed giving him a kiss and the cheek. Then went to go get him a blanket and a hoodie, or something that would keep him warm. Making his way upstairs doing his best to be quiet so he didn't wake robin.

He grabbed a fluffy thick blanket, a hoodie and  sweatpants from his room. Then going back down to make sure Robin was still asleep, which he was.

Finney bundled him up in the blanket and put the clothes beside him for later. Robin looked peaceful and cute all curled up. But instead of laying down like he wanted to, he went back upstairs.

He made some hot chocolate for him and Robin, this time when he went back down Robin was awake. He was sitting up wrapped in a blanket cocoon, it was adorable.

"I made hot chocolate!" Finney exclaimed.

Robin looked up, his face wasn't as red and he had stopped shaking, so that's good. Finney walked over, handing Robin his drink. That's when he noticed the clothes were still on the bed.

"I brought you some warm clothes, did you not like them?" Finn asked. Even though he had only been gone for 10 minutes.

Robin just drank his hot chocolate in silence, staying warm in the blanket Finney had given him.
He was just happy not to be freezing anymore, plus he now had hot chocolate.


"Hm?" Robin finally looked up from his drink making eye contact with Finney. "No no, they're fine." He replied.

They both stayed silent for a while as Finn admired Robin. Robin was doing the exact opposite, he did his best to avoid looking at Finn

Sadly Robin had almost finished his sweet drink but before he could Finney took it and put it aside. He started gently pulling the blanket off Robin, slowly.

As Finn started to trail his hands over Robin's body from his neck down to his shoulders. Going down his chest and stopping at his waist, letting his hands linger.

The two boys made eye contact as Finn's hand made its way further down. Robins body was heating up more now.

Finn then crawled on top of the other, smirking as Robin's breathing sped up. "Finn..?"

"Yes, love?"

"Can I have my hot cocoa back?"

Finn looked away laughing a bit, he didn't really want to but got off Robin and sat down anyway. "Come here" he patted his lap.

Robin sat down so that his back was against Finn's chest, and finns handed Robin his mug back. Finn wrapped the blanket around both of them and hugged Robin tightly.

( Ok ik this is shorter then the other one I just didn't know what to really write!😧)

(707 words)

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