Unhappy Happy Campers : Part 2

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Courtney POV

"We better not be doing the cliff diving again!" I yell to my teammates, who are walking behind me up the cliff. Of course we will do that. Chris loves to kill us.

"Yeah," Duncan says. "Remember last time, when you chickened out?"

"I wasn't the only one!" I say. "DJ didn't either!"

"Don't drag DJ into that." Alejandro says.

"Suck up." I mutter.

Once everyone is up the hill, Chris clears his throat. "Campers," he says. "Your first challenge is the one and only... Cliff Diving!"

"Called it." I mumble.

"You'll have to grab medals under the water, one at a time, as fast as possible. The first team to score 15 points with medals win!" He says. "Gold medals are worth 3 points, Silver are worth 2, and Bronze are worth 1 point. Any questions?"

I raise my hand.


Our team huddles together like a football team. The other team starts arguing. This is so deja vu.

"We don't all have to dive, do we?" I ask.

"No." Alejandro answers. I smile.

"Still scared, princess?" Duncan teases me. I roll my eyes at him.

"I'll go first!" DJ says. That's surprising. Last time he didn't jump, and he had to wear a chicken hat the entire day. Well so did I. It was so embarassing!

DJ breaks out from the group and makes his way to the edge of the cliff. He puts on floaties and dives in. Wouldn't the floaties prevent him from grabbing the medals?

"Oh my gosh!" Sierra says. "DJ can't swim! He's gonna drown! I'm coming DJ!" She dives in to the water too.

"Chris said one at a time!" Heather rolls her eyes, then stares at me.

"Nobody cares about your opinion, Heather!" Duncan says, rolling his eyes.

"It's not an opinion, it's a fact."

"Yeah amigos, Chris did say one person at a time." Alejandro says.

"And now you're defending the other team?" Duncan yells, facing Al.

"Calm down, dudes!" Geoff says, coming in between the 2 guys. "We have a challenge to win!"

Heather POV

"I want to be on Tyson's team! It's not fair!" Lindsay says.

"Quit complaining, girl!" Leshawna says. "You're better off with us!"

"But my boyfriend!-"

"Someone just jump already!" I yell.

"My pleasure." Noah says in his normal monotone voice. He jumps off the mountain, and comes back with 3 medals.

"Woo, baby! We've got 7 points!" Leshawna cheers. Noah puts the 2 silver medals around his neck, then the gold one.

Lindsiot keeps complaining to us about not being on the same team as Tyler, or in her words; Taco, Tyson, Taylor, Tiger, and Thomas. I decide I need to score my team some points. Unlike the other team, at least we have points.

I take a dive off of the high cliff and swim towards the medals. 2 sharks swim towards me. I forgot about the sharks! But should I really be surprised? Chris wants to kill us. I rush to grab a couple medals, and swim to the top. Another shark is chasing after me. I can feel the adrenaline rushing through my body.

Once I'm back on the sand, I take a moment to catch my breath. I look at the medals. 2 gold, 3 bronze. I must be good at this.

We should have enough points to win now..

I run up the cliff and try to count the points. We had 7 points, and my medals are worth 9.... We have 16 points!

"I did it!" I yell, half way up the cliff. "We did it!"

"The Killer Gophers win!" Chris announces from the loud speaker. It's much louder than I remember.

"Yeah we're gonna have to change that team name."



If they even dare to vote me, they're so dead. They only won because me and Noah almost died for the team.


How did I get stuck on the worst team? I never realized how bad Season 1 was for me. It seemed good, I had a boyfriend, some friends! But now that's all gone..


Wow! I'm back in the confessional! I wonder if Chef decided to serve us real food this time.


I wish Justin was here! We could've dated this season! Brady brok- I mean I broke up with that weird guy.. uhm what's his name? Brian? Not that I stalk him or anything!

Heather POV

I'm not on the losing team, but Chris wants everyone to show up for the first elimination ceremony. This means I have to interact with people. Or I don't have to. Nobody's interesting. Sierra is tryna ask out Cody for the billionth time, and Geoff and Bridgette are making out. I'm not shocked at either.

Chris has finally arrived. "Welcome, campers, to the first elimination ceremony of the season! Some of you will be lucky enough to receive a marshmallow, and one will not be so lucky. They will be sent to the Dock of Shame, and have to take a boat back home."

"Yeah, we know, McLean." Duncan says. "Get on with it."

The host rolls his eyes and scoffs. "I've hidden, not only one, but 3 invincibility statues somewhere in the forest. If you're brave enough, you can search for them."

I slump against the wall as he reads the votes and hands the losers marshmallows.

"The first marshmallow of the night goes to.."


"Congrats buddy!" Geoff says, giving a thumbs up to Owen. "Thanks!" He says, chewing on his treat.







"And the final marshmallow of the night goes to..."

"I hope Tyler gets the marshmallow!" I whisper to Lindsay, in order to slightly make her trust me. I actually do hope he gets it though.

"Me too!" She says, grabbing my arm. I mean, whatever makes you trust me I guess.

"Alejandro!" Tyler sighs, and goes to grab his things from his cabin.

I'm finally back in my cabin and I get changed into my pajamas. "That stupid Alejandro probably rigged the votes." I tell Lindsay, who's brushing her reflection's hair in the mirror.

"Yeah," Beth nods. "But you have me!"

"But I want Tyler here!" Lindsiot says.

Now that I think I about it, it's good that Tyler got out instead of Alejerkdro. Tyler could've formed an alliance with Lindsay and Beth, and nobody trusts Alejandro.

I sigh and lay down in my bed. I have the bunk on top of Gwen. This is gonna be so annoying!

I can hear Chris do his outro outside.

"What do the campers have waiting for them next time? Will the teams ever learn to bond? Find out next time on Total.. Drama... Throwback!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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