Sexy love (13)

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Charley groaned out in pain as she lay bleeding out on the  hospital floor. She looked to Sami as she reached over for him "Sami" she croaked. She saw that he had lost more blood that she had.

Charley knew how she was getting weaker and she was fighting the urge to pass out. She looked to see Sami as she heard her phone ring. She tried to reach across for it and groaned. She felt as if she couldn't move.

She had no energy and she was weak. She groaned as she felt herself loose consciousness. Charley knew how she and Sami were stuck here and no one knew. She was scared

"Sami" she said as she started to pass out. The sound of her ringing went off. It was too let. Charley had lost too much blood and she hated it.

Charley knew how she wanted everything to be okay and it scared her.

Maia stood in the village and frowned as she tried to call Charley. She was worried over her best friend and she knew that she was meant to meet her and Maia knew that this wasn't like Charley.

Maia knew that Charley had gone to see Sami. She walked towards the office and walked in and frowned. She could smell iron, the smell of blood. Maia had a bad feeling over it all and it scared her

"Charley are you in here" Maia called as she opened the door. She glanced around and paled. She looked in horror as she looked to the sight in front of her

She looked to see Sami and Charley as they lay passed out in a pool of blood. Maia felt sick and she knew that there was only one person who could of done this.

Maia grabbed her phone as she called an ambulance fearing that their life's were at risk

Maia stood in the hallway and looked to see grace as she walked in and walked over to her and smiled "what happened" she asked as grace sighed

"I don't know...she didn't meet me I know she was going to see Sami. I...I went to the office and I found them like that. This was verity. Charley had been saying for weeks that she was after her and we didn't believe her. We didn't know how far she'd go and now she's shot them both and they're fighting for their lives" maia said as grace hugged her and smiled

Grace knew how much maia cared for Charley "don't worry verity will get what's coming to her. She will pay this. We just have to make sure that Charley is going to be okay" grace Said

She knew Charley was her little girl and she loved her. She knew she'd do anything for Charley and she just hoped that she'd pull through.

Grace sat next to Charley's bed. She had lost a lot of blood and wasn't breathing on her own. Misbah walked in and grace looked to her "how is Sami?" Grace asked

"He still hasn't come around. He has had to have a blood transfusion but it's just a waiting game for them both. I know that's he loves her. I always thought she'd be the one to put him in danger with the family that your from but I never thought it would be verity" she said as grace smiled

"Charley is different she's always been different to our family and you know what verity's father was like the apple doesn't drop far from the tree. I am going to make sure that she pays for what she had done to my daughter" grace said

But would Charley and Sami pull through?

Sexy love *S.Maalik*Where stories live. Discover now