Sexy love (12)

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Charley lay in bed and sighed. She felt terrible and she knew how everything was a mess with Sami. He didn't believe her over the fact that verity said that she had slept with warren when in reality she knew that she hadn't

Charley knew how verity was trying to ruin her life and she was succeeding on doing so. Charley was hurt that Sami didn't believe her. She knew that they were meant to be in a relationship and the fact that he didn't believe her said it all

Charley wiped the tears from her eyes and sighed. Charley knew how she and Sami had hooked up behind verity back and she hated it. Charley knew that Sami was also responsible for it and she felt as if she was getting all of the backlash for it all

Charley looked as grace walked into the bedroom and looked to her and frowned "are you oaky?" Grace asked as Charley sat up slightly and looked to her mum and sighed

"No, not really" Charley said. She knew that things were a mess

"You know that you can talk to me" grace said

"Verity told Sami I slept with warren, I didn't he's with my best friend and I love Sami and she did this. She's getting payback for what me and Sami did how he won't talk to me. I thought we had trust but I guess not. I mean I come from a family of criminals and because she's a solicitor apparently she has no reason to lie. I just hate what she's doing. She's slowly ruining my life and I can't take it much longer" Charley said as grace smiled

"Then do something about it don't let the jealous spiteful cow win and if Sami doesn't see the truth and believe you then he is an idiot and your better off without him. But don't let her win and break you as I know you, your my daughter and yeah your no angel but you are not a push over" grace said as Charley looked to her and smiled

Charley knew that her mum was right and it was time she acted back to verity and her games. She knew how same was acting but she was going to get her own revenge. She was far from a push over

Charley knew that it was time that she got her revenge for once and for all

Charley got to maia and smirked. Maia looked to her best friend and frowned

"Do I want to know what you are planning?" Maia asked as Charley looked to her and smirked

"I have no idea what you mean" Charley said as maia looked to her and rolled her eyes

"Your my best friend I know you and I know that your plotting something" maia said as Charley sat down and smirked

"I'm going to win Sami back and I am going to expose verity for the liar that she is but I need warrens help. I need you to talk to warren and get him to talk to Sami. I know it's a lot to ask and how your both not getting on but in desperate but I need it to seem as if he's doing it on his on own but because I asked"  Charley asked as maia nodded

"I'll do it for you. And what about verity what are you plotting when it comes to her" maia asked as Charley smirked

"I am going to work on Sami and getting him back and then I will focus on her. All I know is that she has pushed me to far and I am my mothers daughter and I am not going to let her get away with this" Charley said

Maia looked to her best friend and smirked "I forgot what a bitch that you could be, I love it" Maia said as Charley looked to her and smirked


Charley got to Samis office and smiled as she walked in "hey" she said as Sami looked to her

"Warren came to see me" he said


"He told me that you didn't sleep together" he said as she nodded

"Like I told you. I love you Sami why would I sleep with anyone else" she said as he walked over to her

"Look me in the eye and tell me" he said

"I crossed my heart. I didn't" she said as he pulled her close. He looked to her and sighed

"I'm sorry I should of believed you" he said as Charley smiled, he pulled her to him and kissed her as the door to the office opened and they frowned as she saw verity

"What are you doing here. You're a liar" Sami said as she pointed a gun at the two of them. Sami stood in front of Charley shielding her as verity shot sami causing Charley to scream before she set the gun on Charley and shot her before she walked off leaving the two or then bleeding to death

But would someone behind them before it was too late?

Sexy love *S.Maalik*Where stories live. Discover now