Sexy Love (10)

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Charley sighed as she woke in bed. She was still worried about Verity. And how she said she was going to make her pay.

Charley knew she had done nothing wrong at all. All she had done was fallen in love with Sami. She knew that was nothing illegal or wrong.

The door opened and Maia walked in. She rolled her eyes and looked to her. "Get up out of bed. Bond with me," she told her.

Charley groaned. "I've literally just woken up. Give me chance," she said as she looked to her.

"Meaner. Verity was hanging round. I don't like her. I don't trust her," Maia said as she sat on the bed.

"She's literally trying to ruin me and Sami. I can't be bothered with it. She's doing my head in," Charley said.

"Don't let her get to you. Seriously babes. Besides... you can't get sent to jail. I need you to be my babysitter," Maia said.

Charley rolled her eyes and smiled. She knew how complicated it was. She just wanted Verity to leave her alone. Especially as she didn't even do anything wrong. 

Charley went out into the village. She saw verity and rolled her eyes. She wasn't in the mood to deal with her.

Sami walked over and kissed her. "You okay babe?" He asked as he smiled.

"I'm okay. I'm sick of her looking at me like I'm bitch of the village. All I've done wrong is fall in love with you. What's wrong with that?" She asked.

"Nothing babe. Just don't let her get to you. It's what she wants. A reaction from you," Sami said.

"Well she'll get my fist in her face if she carries on," Charley said.

Sami sighed. "That's what she wants from you. You put a hand on her, she gets what she wants. You in jail."

"Do you know how hard I'm trying?"

"Yeah. I know. But you have to be the Charley that I know and love," Sami said.

Charley said nothing as she walked off. She knew how messy everything was. But she couldn't help but worry that verity had something up her sleeve.

Charley saw Maia and walked over to her. "You drag me out of bed and don't even spend time with me."

Maia laughed. "Sorry. I had an appointment to get to. I'm all yours. Are you okay?" Maia asked her.

"Verity. She's really winding me up. I can't stand the smug little cow," Charley said.

"Do you want me to punch her? As I will. I have pregnancy hormones and will get away with it," Maia said.

Charley smiled slightly and sighed. "I just hate how she's like this. Like what does she even want? Sami chose me," She said.

"I know babes. But you let her wind you up."

Charley was walking back to the flat. She smiled as she saw Warren. "Maia is looking for you," she said.

Warren nodded. "I'll find her. Listen, are you okay?"

"I'm fine why?"

Warren shrugged and smiled. He walked off. Unaware of how Verity was going to use that moment to ruin everything for Charley Black.

Sexy love *S.Maalik*Where stories live. Discover now